chapter 23

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Alix's POV

Max had dragged me over to the packs house as soon as we found out that I was pregnant. We didn't even have time to tell Noah and Angel. Max had just shouted over his shoulder saying we'd tell them later. Right now Max rushed us inside calling. "Dad!"

John appeared in the door way of the hall way.

"Where's the pack doctor?" Max asjed,

"Office." John answered. "May I ask why you need YOUR packs doctor?"

Max didn't answer, he just pulled me down the hall. Of course John had to follow us.

"Max what's going on?" He asked just as Max stopped inside the office and the doctor appeared saying. "How may I hwlp my new Alpha's?"

I smiled and whispered in his ear.

"We think I'm pregnant." I whispered.

The doctor smiled.

"Sorry John but this only has to do with the Alpha's." The doctor said softly.

John nodded and left.

"So when did you last have intercorse?" The doctor asked.

"Last night." Max answered.

"And my dear why do you think you're pregnant? Have you had any nausia this morning?" The doctor asked. "Oh anything else?"

I nodded.

The doctor smiled.

"Well congragulations you two will be becoming parents." The doctor said.

I gave a tiny squeel as Max took me into his arms.

"Now since you have only a short period of time would you like to see the baby or babies and descuse a due date?" The doctor asked.

"YES!" Max and I said together.

"But we're going to run some tests to make sure you are pregnant, just in case." The doctor said.

Max nodded.

"Now would you please lay down Alix." The doctor said.

I walked over to the medical bed. Max walked over toward me and smiled at me just as I laid down on the medical bed. The doctor came to the other side of me and pulled my shirt up to show  my stomach. He had a tiny bottle of some kind of liquid jelly that he squirted onto my stomach. He spread that jelly liquid stuff around with the altrasound machine.

Max's face lit up whrn the picture popped on the screen.

The doctor smiled at us.

"Well you're deffenetly pregnant my dear." He told me.

I smiled.

"But...." The doctor said.

"But what?!?" Max asked snapping his head away from the screen.

"But you're pregnant with more then one child," The doctor finished speaking.

"Twins?" Max whispered as I gasped.

The doctor smiled at us.

"Yes twins." He told us.

I giggled.

"I cant believe it!" I squiled.

Max gave me an akward kind of hug seems how I still had that jelly stuff still on my stomach.

The doctor continued to look at the babied for another ten or fifteen minutes.

All of a sudden he frowned at his altrasound machine.

"There may be something wrong with your children."  He said softly.

Max's POV

The doctor had just gotten done telling us we'd be having twins. It felt like time flew by as he looked at how our babies were but all to soon time slowed to a stop when the doctor frowned at his altrasound machine.

"There may be something wrong with your children."  He said softly to us looking away from the altrasound machine.

"W-w-what?" Alix stammered after she had let out a small gasp.

"I'm bot sure what it is my dear but I do see that there may be a problem." The doctor said. "And when I say the word 'may' I mean right now there is not a problem but I see something that could wind up being a problem. We will have to run some more tests to check and make sure you dont have anything wrong."

By now tears began to stream down Alix's cheeks I clinched my hands into fists digging my growing werewolf claws into my palm to keep from crying or saying and/or doing something I would regret.

Alix reached for my hand and without any hesitation I grabbed her hand in mine.

"Max?" She whispered.

"Yeah Alix?" I whispered.

"I'm scared." She whispered as tears sreamed her cheeks.

By now the doctor had cleaned off Alix's stomach. The doctor was now writing everything about the appointment on a clipboard. He looked up at us as he spoke.

"You can go now." He said. "I'll call you to my office when I'm reading to start the testing."

"Okay." I said pulling Alix to her feet. "Let's go."

Alix nodded wiping away her tears before we stepped out of the office.

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