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iv. mixed emotions with a side of nandos

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[Louis' POV]

"What's made you upset Louis?" Liam asked as he sat down on the couch next to me.

"And what happened to your face?" Niall chimed in staring wide eyed at the blooming bruise on my jaw line.

"Trouble in Paradise?" Zayn asked with a grin.

"Worse." I muttered, massaging my jaw with a pack of frozen peas.

"What is it?" Niall asked his eyes were content on the packet of peas.

"Rose" I answer.

"Who?" The boys asked in unison.

"Did I ever tell you all about my friend from when I was a kid?" I asked, rummaging my brain to see if I ever did.

"You did tell us a little bit about her. Not much though." Harry stated as he walked into the room

"So Louis, tell us about her." Niall made himself comfortable in the seat next to me, "From the start please."

"Well let's start from the very start." My voice sounded dreamy as I remembered my past. "I first met Rose about ten years ago. Not long before I met her I had discovered a meadow in the woods not far from my home. I used to go there every weekend whenever I had spare time. On one of my adventures I met Rose. There she was, lying on the grass staring up at the swaying willow branches. I was nervous but you know how kids are. You say hi and within an hour you're best friends." I laughed at my own comment, waiting for someone to ask me a question but they all stayed silent.

"After a few week of finding Rose at the meadow I got to know her real well. We shared similar interests and we went to the same school though she was in the year below me. After about a year of knowing each other we decided to be best friends. In that meadow under the willow we both made a promise. We promised each other that no matter what happened, we would always be together. Best Friends Forever."

"Awwwwww" Harry cooed with exaggeration.

"Then what happened?" Liam asked, he seemed genuinely interested in the story.

"Well we did live up to that promise. We stuck together. Whenever either of us got bullied the other was there with a helping hand. We would help each other with homework, share gossip and secrets, you know... friend stuff."

"I feel as if a But is coming." Stated Liam

"You're right Liam.  You see, we couldn't stay kids forever and both Rose and I grew up and became teenagers. We were there for each other for Junior dance. She had braces and I wasn't the best dresser but we had a fun night." I grinned before continuing, "I guess we did drift apart for a while. He both got into separate relationships. I genuinely liked the girls I dated but I swear that Rose dated the dumbest guys just to make me jealous."

"Were you Jealous?" Harry asked wiggling his eyebrows

"Of course. I knew she never really liked her boyfriends. But when either of us broke up we would be on each other's doorsteps with a packet of Kleenex and some Ice cream. Other times, when we were both single I would help her with her music. Her main interest was with her Designing but I know that deep down she loves playing her violin. Even if she never admits it. On summer nights we would sit on her porch and stare at the stars, planning our futures and our dreams."

"That really cute" Zayn stated in a soft voice as he glanced at me.

I glared at him and continued, "We stopped visiting that Meadow in our senior years. I guess we grew out of it. But I would do anything just to spend a day there, gazing up at the sky without a care in the world..." I stopped speaking completely until Niall snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Oh right... I haven't finished the story" I muttered., "Rose made me to try out for X Factor. It was my dream and she wanted me to live it. I kept in contact with her until after the show finished. I didn't know what happened. We just stopped talking and then one day she wasn't on my mind, my career was."

"But now she's back!" Harry exclaimed, shaking me out of my trance.

I was about to say something sarcastic to Harry but I didn't get the chance. The front door opened and Jenna walked inside, arms full of food. "Guess who's got Nando's?"

"You do!" Niall shouted,  running towards her. Jenna tossed her hair from her face and handed the bags to Niall. She then walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Hey Babe" She whispered in my ear. I didn't say anything back so Jenna pulled away and studied my face, "Is something wrong?"

"I just feel a bit hot, it's stuffy in here. I'm just going to go onto the Balcony for a few minutes."

"Okay then" Jenna smiled before turning her attention to the food.

I hopped up out of the lounge and headed for the balcony, I needed time to think. Once I was out in the cool late spring air, I took a few deep breaths, smiling. This practise always seemed to calm me down.

"Why are you worried?"

"HARRY! You almost made me fall off the balcony" I hissed, his voice had made me jump since the night was so silent compared to him.


"5 Months Haz. It's been Five Months. Jen will be expecting me to say it." I felt guilty but I was only speaking the truth

"Say What?" Harry asked, smirking

"I love you"

"Aww thanks mate. I love you to." He blew kisses towards me before he became overcome with a fit of laughter

"I wasn't directing that to you." I muttered, "She'll want me to say it at her party."

"Are you ready to say it?"


"Is it because of Rose" Harry raised his eyebrows, he didn't believe me.

"It's not Rose's fault." I sighed, I didn't want to bring Rose into this. "I don't love Jenna. But she loves me."

"She has beautiful eyes..."


"No! I meant Rose."

"They are reason I didn't run away from her when I found her in my meadow. I don't know what it is about them but..." I didn't finish the sentence, instead I focused on a single star that twinkled above me.

"It's the green. They are so pale though the rims are an emerald." Harry was still trying to hold back laughter from before so his wording was inflicted with laughter.

"Wait..." I stopped him before he could continue, "Harry, you don't fancy Rose do you? I mean you only met her today."

"Of course not Louis! She is all yours. I'm not going to touch her." Harry winked at me and smirked. I tried to not to scowl at him.

"She's not mine." I stated with a hint of annoyance. "Back to Jenna though... how do you think she'll react if I don't say it."

"Well you're screwed if she says it and you don't" Harry had stopped laughing now. He must have realised that I was being serious.

"Thanks Harry." I replied sarcastically.

"C'mon let's go inside. The Nandos smells fantastic"

Under The Willow Tree • Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now