Chapter 13. Wedding Invitations

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You didn't want to know what happened to Officer Davis. A few days after the incident he had disappeared. Kylo had visited you every single day since and you considered asking, but inside you already knew the answer.

You had revealed to Saw what had happened and she comforted you, but not before using Davis' name followed by a string of curse words. She was defensive of you already and this event had only made her even more protective. However, she did seem to like Kylo a little more.

"He stayed with you all night?" She asked with the hint of a smile. You nodded.

"Yes. I appreciated it. Although now he is very skeptical of all men I come in contact with." Saw chuckled.

"Awww." She typed a few things into the computer. "He's protective, that's so cute." You blushed a bit.

"I bet Hux is just as protective of you!" You gestured toward the new ring on her finger.

"Oh yeah. He always has been." She looked down at her ring in admiration. After a lot of convincing, The General had convinced Leader Snoke that asking Saw to marry him would not impose on his work. He even had managed to push the argument that it would gain the First Order some new followers who saw them as a more human system. Snoke had reluctantly agreed and allowed him to go through with his proposal. The ring itself was a rare crystal formed by hard pressing the sand of a moon orbiting Kessel. The gem shown blue against its silver setting. The light colors of the ring beautifully complimented her ebony skin.

"You like the ring right?" You asked watching her twirl it around her finger. She let out a happy laugh.

"How can I not? Its beautiful!" You smiled as she turned back to her work. You checked the stats on a nearby planet and absentmindedly talked to Saw.

"So where is it going to be held?" You questioned without looking up at her.

"A private room. We are each allowed 4 guests." You nodded.

"So." You said with a twitch of a smile. "Who are you inviting?" She chuckled under her breath.

"You know, I have no idea. Maybe some people from the med bay." You looked up to see her winking at you. You both started cackling. "So you're coming right?" You nodded.

"Of course!" She smiled.

"Bring Kylo. It'll be great." You laughed a bit. Not sure what to think about bringing the most dangerous man in the galaxy to your best friends wedding.

"Ill talk to him."

*Time Skip brought to you by the Too Faced Better than Sex Mascara. Because we all need to look fabulous as we cry over our fandoms*

"Did you know that General hux proposed to Officer Saw?" Kylo looked up from the holopad he was carrying for an instant and looked back down.

"I did, actually." He tapped a few things quickly. "I'm surprised Supreme Leader allowed it." You shrugged

"Hux is very focused on his work, I don't think their engagement will get in the way of it." He nodded. You fiddled with some papers you were looking over as you watched his face intently.

"I suppose." He looked up at you with his mouth parted slightly, as if he wished to ask something. But he looked back down quickly.

"What?" You said getting up from your chair. You sat down on the foot of the bed.

"I was wondering if you were attending the wedding." He said in an icy tone. You cocked your head in confusion.

"Well, she is my best friend." You pointed out. He sat the holopad down on his bedside table.

"I'm aware." He said flatly. You climbed over to sit closer to him. His eyes studied you as you moved to a better position.

"You don't like weddings?" You asked with a hand on his knee. He flinched a bit under your touch but immediately relaxed.

"I do not like weddings." He confirmed. You cracked a small smile.

"But who will be my date?" You said with a playful pout and he gave you a smirk.

"Not me." He said leaning toward you.
"That's too bad." You said with a joking frown. He shook his head.

"Life isn't fair is it?" He laughed and kissed you quickly on the lips. You pulled away a bit, ready to debate the issue further. But he wouldn't let you speak. "I have a meeting to get to. I'll see you later tonight." He climbed off the bed and suited up. You watched him leave and one thing coursed through your mind.

You were going to get him to like weddings.

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