Chapter 23. Corellia

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Not gonna lie I may have cried while writing this. Again, thank you all for the votes and the comments. 

"Corellia? Really?" You asked in surprise as Kylo gave you the name of the planet you had landed on. You'd traveled a few days in the X-Wing before deciding you needed to dump it. It was easily traceable and Kylo was certain the galaxy was soon learning of their escape. Upon landing you'd helped Kylo hide the X-Wing while you walked to the small town Kylo told you about. He seemed on edge and worried, which in turn made you worry.

"They've recently announced they are a neutral planet, and-" He sighed a bit and you raised an eyebrow. "I know a guy who might be staying here. Problem is he might want to kill me."

"Oh well that sounds simple. He just might want to kill you. No biggie." You said with a sarcastic glare. He sighed. Taking your hand in his he continued walking at his leisurely pace.

"He was a friend of Ha- my father. By now everyone knows how he came to an end. It's difficult how this reunion might go. My only hope is he hears me out." Kylo said nervously. He rarely talked about the event of his father's death and you knew it was one of his biggest regrets. You just hoped this friend would understand too.

"And if he does hear you out?" You asked, stepped over a tree branch.

"Then he can help us sell the X-Wing and buy a proper ship. He has a lot of connections." He explained. "Again, this is all if he doesn't try to kill me. Which Its a very likely chance." You chuckled. 

"What about me?" You asked and Kylo's hand gripped yours tighter. 

"Oh he'll like you. He likes the ladies." He said with a nervous laugh. 

You could see the beginning of a town coming into view. Small ships decorated the outside where they were parked. Various beings of different races walked around carrying an assortment of strange items. You looked up at Kylo with worry when a large being walked past you giving you both a strange look. 

"Ansionians are lovers of peace don't be worried." He gave you a small smile. You hadn't seen this many different species together in one place in your life. Kylo couldn't sense your hesitation as you started passing buildings with him. "This town is very diverse, but no trouble will come to us here." You believed him, but it didn't make you feel less uneasy. You and Kylo came upon a small complex with several doors. You looked at Kylo in confusion. "Apartments." He said simply. He led you up to an elevator that took you up to the fourth floor. You felt his arms slightly shaking.

"Hey. It's okay." You placed a hand on his face and he exhaled. He had taken off his mask and his over clothes and left them with the ship, leaving him looking particularly normal.

"Well. Here it goes." He winced and knocked on one of the doors. Scuffling was heard beyond it and the door swung open harshly. You both looked down to see a short orange Alien looking up at you both. She made a slight gasp, and adjusted her glasses.

"Well! This is not what I expected for my sabaac game today!" She exclaimed. She looked over to you with curiosity. "Who are you?" You cleared throat.

"Uh. My name is  (Y/N)." You decided to take initiative and answer. "This is-"

"I know who he is dear." She said with a smile in your direction. When she turned to look at Kylo her expression soured. "Ben Solo. It has been many many years." Kylo cocked his head in confusion.

"Have we met?" He asked, his voice cracking a bit. She clucked her tongue in amusement.

"You were far too young to remember. Only but a child. I'm Maz Kanata. I knew your father very well." Kylo flinched at the mention of Solo. "Ah that strikes a cord doesn't it? Good. It should." Kylo bristled a bit at her tone.

"We are looking for someone!" You blurted out, trying to change the subject. She turned to you and nodded.

"I figured as much. He's in the back." Kylo nodded and gripped your hand tighter. As Maz turned to lead you both Inside you noticed her looking at your joined hands and smirking. You both followed her and she entered the small hallway leading into a comfy looking room adorned with couches. In the center sat a long coffee table with a game of sabaac laying out. You smiled to yourself in memory of playing the game with Kylo when you had first spent time together. The pressure against your hand meant yes, he too was remembering in fondness.

You almost gasped when the being in the room stood up from his seat. At 7 feet tall he stood much taller than you or Kylo. Fur covered his entire body from head to toe. His black eyes seemed to stare at Kylo with more anger you had ever seen in any being. You had never seen a Wookie before, but you had heard of the species and knew this was one. 

Immediately chaos broke loose. Maz moved in front of the wookie quickly, pushing him back to keep him away from Kylo. The wookie began to yell at Kylo while working hard to get to him.

"GRAWAAAAGRH" He screamed waving toward Kylo. Kylo took a step back with worry. He almost stumbled as he stepped back. His arm wrapped around your waist protectively. 

"I know I'm so sorry!" Kylo began to plead. His eyes grew in fear as the struggling wookie screamed at him while waving his arms. 

"GRAWAAAGGGH GRAAAAWH" Maz grunted as she kept the straining wookie from the pair of you.

"Please. You can't hate me more than I hate myself for it." Kylo's face was red now and his voice was breaking. You wrapped your arm around his shoulder from behind trying to comfort him. You realized Kylo could understand this old friend of his, but you were lost in translation. 

"WOAGHHRRR." His head went back slightly as the sound escaped his throat. You wished you could understand him but the noises were just gibberish to you.

"Chewbacca." Maz spoke between grunts. "Let the boy speak. I know he has taken someone from you, but he lost someone that day too." Chewie relaxed slightly and stood straight.

"Grawwargh" He said softer. You could see moisture in Kylo's eyes now.

"I made a mistake. I know that. I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I sure want it." Kylo said forlornly. "I was tempted to the dark. But now I realize that's not where I belong." He looked over at you when he said this. You smiled at him and looked over to the Wookie watching you both. 

"Aargghh." He said sadly looking at you. Kylo nodded. 

"She is mine, we escaped together. Shes the reason I've come back." After a few seconds of silence Chewie lurched forward toward you both, but this time to capture Kylo in a huge hug. His large furry arms overlapped around Kylo's frame. 

You let go of Kylo's hand as he hugged the wookie back. You looked over to see Maz with her arms crossed looking pretty pleased with herself. When you met her eyes she gave you a wink. 

"Brrwargh." Chewie said while continuing to hug the young man.

"I-I missed you too U-Uncle Chewie." Kylo said between voice cracks.

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