Virtues Sin by LunesWraith- FMA

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Takes place after Brotherhood. Ed turns into Pride!Ed, Al joins the Military, Ed joins the Seven Holy Virtues as the only Sin, and 4 years later they meet. Reviews welcome :D

Weird. The Virtues turn Ed into pride because virtues can't sin, so Ed becomes their sin. Al joins the military to try to find his brother. Ed slowly starts to remember things from his past while he is learning Drachma and helping the virtues start war between Drachma and Amestris. Ed has a deep need to find Al after he fully remembers. When they meet, war is about to start. Ed escapes the virtues to look for his brother right before the fighting breaks out. (That's around the time I thought Al had a split personality disorder or something, but it's not like that.... You'll understand if you read it). Turns out Al went a little crazy in the gate, waiting for his brother to come get him. Then some very surprising twist in like the last few paragraphs. I'm not sure I like the ending. The brothers just want to get back to each other... That's it... The whole story, they just want to get back together.

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