Free Fall by Spirix- FMA

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The Gate has sent Edward to Ancient Rome. He has to survive Ten Years before he can go home but that much time can change a person, it can also change a home...EdAlter!Roy...Edvy...ultimately ED x ROY

One of the best stories I have ever read. Well written and has a amazing story line. Ed makes a deal with the gate and gets sent back to Rome and he falls in love with alter Roy, but Roy gets killed and he seeks revenge. He gets caught and sold as a slave. Through out the years he becomes a very important person in the rebellion against the Roman Empire.
This story has aspects for everyone. There is love, magic, alchemy, slaves, torture, slaves, all your favorite characters, the truth, non-graphic sex, Ed going through so much shit that he changes his name to Pride, and the fun doesn't end in Rome, it follows them to Amestris.
Sadly it is not finished, the last time it was updated was in 2009. But still an awesome story with 17 long ass chapters, there's about 141k words, so read if you want!

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