Alchemist meet Agents

435 7 0

By: TheFullmetalBitch


Ed makes a deal with Truth in exchange for Al's body and soul. He owes the Truth a favour and Truth can collect at any time. Three months pass since that deal was struck when Truth collects and sends Ed to Earth to help the BAU catch an alchemist who has learnt to dimension hop and is killing people. However, Ed needs backup and the Truth sends Roy with him. How will the BAU handle  


Chapters: 14

Words: 44,093

Fullmetal cross over with Criminal Minds. 

Hey, haven't been on here in a long while. Sorry about that, I've been reading a lot of kpop recently, so if you like BTS you should look at my other book. Or if you have any good Fullmetal stories you think I should read, drop a link!

Anyway back to this story. This isn't the best piece of work I've read, but I was craving some Fullmetal crossovers. Edward and Roy have to catch a killer in America, they team up with the BAU and make some friends. Story wise, its kinda short, but to the point. I wish it was a little darker, a little bit more mysterious. 

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