Chapter 1

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Credit to my amazing and beautiful best friend SkylitGumdrops, for editing and making this book 10000X times better!! Love you long time!!! xx <3 

hope everyone enjoys 


Mason's P.O.V.

"Run Mason! Run as fast as you can and promise me you'll never look back!"

To know that that was the last time I'll hear from my mother was excruciatingly painful. I ran, just as she had told me. Faster than the human eye could see, or at least that's what it felt like.

The faint howling of wolves pierced my ears as I distanced myself from my mother. Jumping, skidding, slipping, you name it. Anything that was in my way would simply be knocked down.

"Run Mason!" I hear my mother's words repeating themselves over and over again in my mind. "Promise me you'll never look back!"

That same heartbreaking statement sounding like a jukebox on replay as tears begin to fill my eyes and slightly exit the corners. I kept telling myself to not cry. That I had to be stronger than this for not only my own sake, but my mothers. Although my body simply disobeyed.

I shift back into my former human self and slow my running pace until I reach a stop. Bending down, I collapse onto the cold, hard ground beneath me. The waterfalls of salt, sweat and water trail down my face endlessly. Even though I was choking on my tears, the permanent stain of wolves howling in the distance was as clear as daylight.

The small voice inside my head kept encouraging me to stop the tears and to man the hell up but it wasn't that simple. I just couldn't. It was as though something had entered my body and I was to watch from the inside.

Gazing at the dark blanket above me, I began to feel the weight upon my shoulders. Exhaustion had bitten a large chunk out of my energy and I was left feeling as though I could fall unconscious any given moment.

Realizing it would be in my best interest to get some shut eye, or at least attempt it. Hobbling over towards a nearby tree, I laid on top of the plush grass the ground provided.

- The Dream -

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MASON, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOO YOU!" The group of people who were surrounding me grinned happily as they finished singing.

"HIP HIP, HORRAY! HIP HIP, HORRAY!" They chorused all the while I blew out the fifteen candles set out in front of me. I looked up at everyone with a cheeky smile etched onto my face.

Before I can thank everyone the scene takes a sharp turn. From the innocent scene with happy smiles it became a twisted scene of horror. Everyone was fleeing, shifting and howling in terror. I sat there, wanting to move, help, do something, but I was glued to the seat.

"MASON!" My mother cried, grabbing my arm and dragging me to her bedroom.

"Mum, what's going on?" I whimpered as I watched her pace the room, tugging at her hair and frantically picking things up in rush.

"They're here," she mumbles while a frown occupies my face.

"Whose here? Mum?" I asked with clear worry although it was if I hadn't even spoken. She simply ignores my question and keeps moving around without a purpose.

Before I could question her any further, a cloaked figure beats the door down and grabs my Mother.

"PUT ME DOWN!" She screams bloody murder.

I try to help, but it's like the seat all over again though this time, my feet are glued to the floor. I struggle to move a finger though even that seems to be impossible. All I can do is watch the horrid sight unfold.

"Run Mason!" She screams again and I'm immediately snapped back into reality. "Run as fast as you can and promise me you'll never look back!" She finishes with a shrill scream.

- Dream End -

I wake up drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. The millions, possibly billions of questions forming in my mind began to make themselves visible.

What had happened? Who was here? Why were they here? And what did they want?

So many questions with no possible answers, at least not answers I'll be getting through the knowledge I have now.

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