Chapter 4

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Mason's P.O.V.

I fumbled with the window lock, trying to pry it open but to no avail. I would've given up in any other circumstance but I had the overwhelming feeling to escape. It wasn't going away anytime soon, either.

Scanning the room around me, their wasn't much to work with. A few bottles of hair products in the shower, a bar of soap and a bathroom mat. I highly doubt any of the said items would help picking a lock on a window.

Maybe they had something in the cabinets?

I know it wasn't exactly respectful, rummaging through strangers bathroom necessities and property, but oh well. It's not like I'm ever going to see them again, right? Well,unless they file a police report...

'Family horrified at mess stranger brought to house', great newspaper heading, huh? I doubt they'll make a news report on that.

Flinging the cabinet open, I searched through its contents to thankfully, find a packet of bobby pins. Even guys knew about these babies. Could get you out of (well almost) any situation involving a lock.

I stumbled over to the door and fiddled only a moment before I was able to pull open the window. Immediately, I was hit with the fresh outside breeze. I steadily climbed out the window although it was slightly tricky considering I had an injured ankle. As I lifted my last leg out the window I heard a crash behind me.

"Fuck," I mumbled and hopped the small drop to the ground. I must've knocked something over.

Without taking a glance over my shoulder, I sprinted what I assumed was the way home, with much trouble mind you.

Once I reached the beginning of the woods, I made sure no one was nearby before shifting into my wolf form. It was safe, changing in daylight but I needed to get home. Then, I'll be able to tell if what happened the other night was all just my imagination or if it truly was reality...

I began speeding through the woods, dodging trees and sharp stones.

I wasn't particularly used to my wolf form. Mum had warned me that it wasn't safe using such a form when we're surrounded by such dangerous people. Not to mention, a lot of people like to hunt wolves and I must say, my head would look pretty good as a trophy. Although, I wasn't willing to give up either my life or head for someone's pleasure.

The pain in my ankle began to burn and I decided enough was enough. If I kept pushing myself at this rate, I'd do some serious damage. Slowing down, I stopped besides a tree stump and shifted back. I immediately clasped my ankle and began massaging it gently, attempting to ease the pain.

'Come on, Mason! You're almost there. Don't give up, not now!' I was literally cheering myself on, I was that desperate. Although, I obliged and stood up. Breathing heavily, I begin limping the rest of the way, exiting the woods and onto the other side of town.

I finally arrive at the house and everything from the outside looks pretty normal. It was definitely giving me hope that everything had been mustered up by my mind. Although, my hope was shot to flaming ground as I actually entered the house.

Tables were flipped, chairs thrown across the room, food decorating both the floor and walls. It was as if someone had thrown a party and simply left the mess to be dealt with for the next passerby.

"Hello?" I called out, limping further into the house. "Is anyone here?"

I began making my way to Mum's bedroom. Once there, I slowly pushed open the door.

"Mum!" I shout, gazing around the room to see it totally and utterly trashed.

It was real... Everything was real.

I grabbed my forehead and stumbled back into the hallway. I collapsed onto the ground and began slowly rocking back and forth. This couldn't be real. Just a dream, a bad, horrible dream. Mum would never leave me. I'll wake up soon, just you wait.

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" I screamed at the walls.

I heard a small squeak, similar to what I usually hear when someone walks across the old floorboards. This got my attention and my head snapped up, my aim directed on the hallway straight in front of me. What stood there, sent shivers down my spine.

A tall, dark... Figure.

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