Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight.

Ruby's P.O.V. (Mason's Mother)

I was slumped against the wall, legs spread out in front of me. Pants robbed of material and smudged with dirt, sweat and grim. T shirt sticking to my skin from the humid weather hanging over the cell I had been occupying for a little over two days now.

At least I assume it's two days.

I could only tell da from night through the little vent in the far left wall. Big enough for a mice to escape through... Too bad I couldn't shift into a mice, huh.

I had tried almost everything to escape. Throwing my limp body against the steel bars in both human and beast form. But nothing seemed to work, not even a shake of the bars even when I had mustered all my strength.

It didn't stop my attempts though.

Mason was what kept me going. He is in danger, just as well as everyone else I know and love. I need too protect him, before that bastard of a man lays his dirty mitts on my son.

As much I want my freedom, I hope that Mason isn't searching for me. That's practically walking right into the danger, but I know my boy. Too well, to know that there is no possible way he isn't out there right now. Searching, until his utterly exhausted.

My poor boy is probably in so much mental and physical pain.

This is all my fault.

If I had never met.. Him. That pathetic excuse of a man. If I had never developed romantic feelings towards him... If I had never made that stupid, empty promise... Not a single part of this disaster would've taken place.

Mason, the pack, everyone else who I loved dearly and not to mention myself, would be in high spirits. Although, I had ruined that. For more than myself and my son. With one promise, lives have been thrown upside down.

Tears welled within my eyes and slowly let themselves make a hot trail down my cheeks. One coming after the other in a never ending waterfall of salty tears.


"One... Two... Three... JUMP!" I shouted, a cheesy smile etched onto my face.

Holding his little hands in mine, I watched my three year old son Mason giggle sheepishly as we jumped carelessly on the trampoline. It was one of those moments that to others, seemed like plain and simple fun. Although, it was truly a memory a mother would never forget.

*Flashback end*

The happiness of the memory only seemed to make the tears fall faster. Whimpering, my mind got caught up in the cause of all this mess.

The happy memories were continuing to be made and still were, around the time we met Carl. Mason's step father.

We had lived next to Carl as neighbors. Carl seemed like a nice gentlemen and I often invited him over to share a meal with Mason and I. Eventually, our relationship as friends and neighbors had reached the point where we would often share more than meals, but memories.

Going on family outings to the zoo, beach and park were common. It seemed as though we finally had a complete family, now that Mason had a father and I had a lover.

Although, it had gone nothing but downhill after the marriage. Something I wouldn't thought would happen, considering how good things seemed to be going.

I finally discovered the beast in Carl.

He did things to me... Things I will never forget. Things a lover, a husband and a father should never inflict upon the people around them, especially family.

Eventually it got to the point where Mason and I would often attempt to escape Carl. Although, he always had an eye out. Even when he wasn't home, he'd somehow find out about the attempted escape.

Punishment would easily be delivered, in painful and tearful amounts. I refused to let him hurt Mason though, saying he was only a child and I would take his punishment.

"I am the one setting a bad example on him. It's not his fault. He's a sponge, he takes in whatever his mother does. If you should punish anyone, let it be me. Please," I would often recite to Carl, it usually did the trick.

I was to afraid to mention a divorce, knowing I would simply enrage Carl.

Although a few years passed after our marriage, and Carl suddenly disappeared. Not without leaving a note though. One that made my heart ache in protest.

It read;

'By the time you receive this, I'll be long gone. I know you'd be pleased with my absence, but I'm not going for your pleasure.

I know the incidences that took place between that bastard Mathew and yourself. Stupid mistake, in all honesty. All the times I caught you trying to leave me, and you thought you could get away with an affair? Hah.

Anyways, because of your feeble mistake you'll be in debt to me.

Unless you hand over your so called precious son, Mason at the ripe age of fifteen, I'll be revealing your secret to everyone... And I've got proof, so I wouldn't blow it off if I were you - You're loving husband, Carl'

It remember scrunching up the paper and flinging it to the floor in desperation.

What choice did I have?

Had over my son? My flesh and blood to a monster and let him become a monster too?

Or protect my son and let our identities be revealed to the entire town? We'd be freak shows and targets for all sorts of experiments! Not to mention, every other werewolf would be on our tail for exposing the truth about werewolves...

Either way, it was a no win situation.

But I had too make a decision and it so happened to be 'handing' over Mason, when he turned fifteen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2014 ⏰

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