Chapter 5

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Mason's P.O.V.

"Who are you?" I shout, pressing my body as close to the wall as I could.

Instead of answering me, the figure took a steady step forward.

By the way this creature moved I could tell his intentions weren't good. Not to mention, it was still pretty light outside and the sunshine emitting from surrounding windows, yet this figure was completely shrouded in black. Not even the simplicity of his facial features were able to be seen.

"Stay away from me!" I commanded with a surprisingly strong voice.

Who, or what was this thing? What was it planning, behind its mask? Could I have something it wanted, if so, what?

It clearly wasn't human, that I did know.

Th figure stopped dead in its tracks, as it had currently been taking moderate, careful steps towards me. I eyed the figure with curiosity, trying to decipher it's next move. Before I could even blink, the creature let out a piercing, shrill scream. I immediately clamped my hands over my ears in an attempt to block out the deafening sound.

What the fuck!?

Then it stopped. As sudden as it came, it had dispersed. I slowly squinted my eyes open as they had shut during the event.

The creature creepily tilted his head and I could just imagine the thick grin that laid behind that mask. Then, he did something that scared the absolute crap out of me. He began taking long, quick strides in my direction.

I was frozen in panic.

As it approached, I could feel beads of swear forming on the sides of my head and gradually rolling down my face.

Could this be it? Could this be my end?

As it was a meter away, it stopped in front of me.

Was this how I was going to spend the last few moments of my unused life?

I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping to reopen them and it will of all been my imagination.

I could feel the creature crouch down, inches away from my face now. It hot breath, brushing my lips. Although he had no facial I was able to identify earlier, he was able to breathe. If anything, that scared me the most.

"L-leave me, alone," I uttered.

It didn't budge as I was able to still feel the stale, rotten stench of death itself. I wanted so badly to keep my eyes closed, to ignore this figure but a small part of me held curiosity.

And it was growing every waiting second, until it engulfed me.

I pried my eyes open and right there in front of me... Was nothing. Nothing but the vacancy of unoccupied space.

The creature had completely, and utterly, vanished.

Where had it gone was beyond me. If it were even real.

I released the breathe I hadn't known I had been holding and stood up. Shakily, I made my way towards the kitchen.

Whatever that thing was, it wanted me to acknowledge it. Although it also held secrecy. It had intentionally cloaked itself and approached me, with the idea to frighten me without giving its identity away. What... Was going on?

Once I've taken a refreshing glass of water, I glance down the hallway, making sure it hadn't appeared again. Although it hadn't, something else had still caught my attention. A small note was carefully placed.

Picking it up, I read the message sprawled across the paper.

'You're on the right track. You will soon find the answers you seek. Although, you cannot further on without the help of the one you refer to as, Sapphire.'

Sapphire? The girl from earlier? Why would I need to see her again?

And... Who left this note...?


Sapphire's P.O.V.

"Where's your boyfriend gone too?" Rhys, my brother, snickers from behind me.

I jump in fright and glare at the boy before me.

"He's not my boyfriend," I snapped.

Wait, how did he know about Mason? He wasn't home as far as I know when I brought Mason over.

Rhys waved his hand dismissively, "Pfht, sure." He grins and nudges my ribs playfully.

"How do you know there was boy here earlier?" I asked, curious.

I walked around the bench and searched the cupboard for something I could prepare for lunch.

"Saw him in the kitchen talking to himself. Bit of weirdo, I reckon," he replies with the shrug of his shoulders.

I nod and place a loaf of bread on the counter. Just as I do, Rhys lifts himself up onto the counter also.

"Aye! Do you mind? Putting your filthy ass on the bench. I'm trying to make food here," I growl.

Rhys continues to sit there, smirking. Just to tick me off more, he proceeds to wiggle his butt on the bench, spreading more of his butt germs. I growl again and pounce on him, knocking him to the tiled floor.

I burst out laughing, "Y-your expression! It was p-priceless!"

He propped himself on his elbows, rubbing the back of his head with an angry expression evident on his face.

"Sapphire, I'm going to bloody kill you," Rhys threatened through gritted teeth.

I smiled innocently before waggling my finger, "Not if you can't catch me."

With that, I set out. Running out of the kitchen and through the house until I reach the back door. I immediately swung it open and sprinted outside, shape shifting into my wolf form.

Glancing back, I see Rhys hot on my heels.

Shit! How did he catch up so fast?

I hear a low growl from behind and I'm soon tackled to the ground. I growl in return and begin wrestling with my twin brother.


Mason's P.O.V.

Again, I was on another journey today. This time though, I was heading back to Sapphire's, not from.

I gazed at the note in my hand, again.

What had my Mother's kidnapping have to do with Sapphire? How could this girl help me, anyway? She was a simple muggle.

Would am I supposed to do once I find Sapphire? Would it led me to my friends and family?

This dark, figure... What did he/she have to do with this ordeal?

So many damn questions. I swear if they weren't all answered soon, I'd be enrolled into the nearest mental asylum. Although one thing I knew for absolute sure,

I wanted vengeance against the people who had ruined my almost apple pie life.

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