Chapter 3

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Mason's P.O.V.

During the walk towards this girls house, who still hasn't revealed her identity (though neither had I), it was completely silent. Usually, I'd be fretting if this happened with any other girl about what to say or do. Although, it seemed like the brunette besides me wasn't bothered by the silence, so I decided to keep it that way.

We arrived at what I assumed was her house. A simple yet modern double story. Not overly big or small. The outside was painted white while the roof reminded me of storm clouds, grey. There was a nice, tidy garden with a few variety of flowers but other than that, it was pretty much shrubs and green blades of grass.

Without knocking, she pushed the door open and we stumbled inside. She quickly regained herself and continued helping me towards wherever she planned on treating to my injury. Led through the house, it wasn't long before I was placed onto a dining room chair.

Carefully, she lifted my leg onto a chair besides me. I winced in pain and her eyes widen as she mumbles an apology, which I wave my hand dismissively. Apologizing to me? I'm the one whose caused her all this trouble and disturbed her day...

With guilt filled eyes, she turned away and walked around the kitchen bench, which my back was turned to. See, the dining table was in the same room as the kitchen. I turned my head to watch her but since I was still feeling restless from last night's 'sleep', bits and pieces of my body ached.

She soon returned with a ice-pack and gently placed it on my ankle, to which I slightly cowered from the bitterness of the cold.

"I just need to search for a bandage. In the meantime, keep that ice-pack on, okay?" She smiled ever so slightly as she spoke. I nodded to confirm.

As she left the room, I began taking in the surroundings around me. Much different to my house at home, I could easily spot that.

A pain immediately ripped through my stomach and up to my heart as I remembered last night. It wasn't that I had forgotten but during the time of meeting this girl to just up until now, I had been more focused on my injury. Selfish, right? Thinking about myself before... Mum. I just had to keep hope, that's all. Hope that she's alive. Hope that I'll be able to save her.

As my eyes flickered to the lounge room, which was directly across me. I noticed an eerie, black figure leaning against a small wooden table, occupied with family photos.

Maybe it's one of her parents?

"Hey, sorry to intrude. I'm just here to dull the pain and I'll be gone. Running accident, you see," I gestured to my ankle as I spoke, informing the (what I assumed) girl's relative.

The figure had neither replied or moved in anyway as to say he or she had understood what I had said. It kind of reminded me a portrait, how still and lifeless the unidentified person in the lounge room was.

"If I'm bothering you, just say and I'll leave," I offered. Maybe this person was trying to scare me out of their home? If so, it sure was working.

Again, the figure stayed silent and motionless.

"Who are you?" I asked a little louder than I had the previous times.

Fingers slowly wrapped around my shoulder and I could feel breathing against the visible part of my neck. I froze at the touch, fear stricken. The breathing came closer and I shut my eyes tight.

"Quit you're squawking," the voice teased and immediately, my eyes snapped open. Since I had been previously looking into the lounge, that was were my eyes first landed. The person, shadow.. Whatever it was had disappeared.

"What are you looking at?" The girl who had played a fearful prank on me asked, as she peeked inside the lounge to see nothing.

"Uh, nothing. Just my imagination. Lack of sleep, you know?" I replied hastily. For some unknown reason, I didn't tell the girl about the mysterious shape who stared through me, like I was simple air.

She nodded and held up a roll of clean bandage and smiled, "Let's wrap this up."

While she began gently covering my ankle, it was silent. So silent, you'd be able to hear the dogs bark at the end of the street.

As she worked, a few strands of brown hair fell over her face although I could still see her vibrant, green eyes shining. Even if she was sad, I could still imagine the shine of her eye as bright as ever.

"What's your name?" She asked, startling me out of my gaze.

"Mason," I answer and she nodded in acknowledgment. "How about yours?"

Sapphire's P.O.V.

I was still surprised by the fact the boy hadn't fled already. It was long overdue. I just wasn't the type of girl to attract any attention, male or female. So, to think this boy, this gorgeous boy, had stayed by me for this long had made my week. Month, even.

People would probably think it's stupid, to make a big deal out of one guy. Although, after living in my shoes for a year and socializing with only my twin brother and parents, life gets lonely.

"What's your name?" I suddenly asked and for a moment, the boy stayed silent.

"Mason," he answered casually and I could feel my face heat up.

Attractive guy had an attractive name.

"How about yours?" He asked, a hint of curiosity hidden in his somewhat emotionless tone.

As I opened my mouth to answer, someone took the name from me.

"Her name's Sapphire, and who are you?" The familiar deep voice interrupted me before I had the chance to answer him myself.

"Crap," I cursed, getting up from wrapping the bandage, which I had thankfully finished a second ago. "Hi... Dad."

"You never told me you were having a friend over. A male friend," he stated calmly, messing with my head as I couldn't tell how he was truly feeling.

Ever since I had first been bullied up to now, Dad knew it was just my brother and I. Neither of us had friends so it was natural for him to be suspicious. Besides, all Dads get defensive over their daughter and young males.

"Well, I found him earlier. He was injured and I couldn't leave him. You'd do the same," I explained, hoping that the situation wouldn't be as awkward or deadly, for Mason's sake.

I heard a cough besides me and glanced at Mason, who was the source of the noise.

"Could I go to the bathroom, please?" He asked and I nodded, telling him the directions to the downstairs bathroom.

After Mason walked away, Dad gave me a stern look before disappearing upstairs. Once he left, I wiped the side of my forehead with my hand. That was... Different.

Before I could take a seat and rest, a loud sound came from the bathroom Mason was in. Immediately, I ran towards the bathroom and chucked the door open. What I saw definitely had me between surprised and unsurprised.

I knew he'd leave eventually, but I didn't expect someone to go through the lengths of fleeing through the window to get away.

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