storytime :D

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whats up my sweet oreo squad! i should definitely change it with something better but my creativity is not lit atm, also if you dont like oreos then what is wrong with you?

anyways, hi, im guessing you all know my name since its annoyingly mentioned 3 times on my profile already.
um i'd like to share a story, its not that crazy but it is for me, this whole thing is just a little series of my suffering from breaking my arm. also about the whole bible camp experience. enjoy :D

at the first day, i wasnt fully prepared for anything, they told me the only members was only me and my two cousins so i just brought a few clothes for only two days. but it turns out there was like 20+ of us and most of them are from college and a lot more older than me, im still a baby or i treat myself as a baby, but anyways, we were all divided into eight groups, there was samson, otneil, tola, deborah, jair— and i forgot the rest. my group was deborah, let me tell you, we were probably the worst but to be honest all of us were non cooperated anyways. the first day was not okay, everyday was not okay, i keep getting anxiety and i feel like everyone's already annoyed by my existence. i have made a few friends but i mostly forgot all of their names, by friends i mean my cousins and team deborah.

second day, as usual, still shy as fuck but arabella was noisy at the pool, i kinda forgot everything about second day, but we did morning exercise which is the absolute worst, we just jogged for at least a mile and franz (my friend) and i just walked since she's coughing her ass off and im asthmatic but they still let us. i really liked my outfit that time, a pink sweater, black skinny jeans and a pair of black adidas. i know its really really simple and you may think im overreacting but we dont do fancy dressing here, and i finally wore pink, no actually, for three days ive been wearing pastel clothes which isn't eMO. while i was listening to the devotion, i noticed a guy with the most shiniest neck back, back neck, just the back of his neck is sO smsjnssnj idk it made me a little insecure tbh, i think he's korean or japanese, please don't get offended. i was just so mesmerized by his beautiful pale skin and aesthetic clothing and he never changes his outfit, just a pale green sweater and some black speedo like shorts. then we all went swimming and guess what i embarassed myself as always, someone from my group said that our flag is displayed on the area where you jump and i thought she wanted me to get it so *cringe attack so i stopped typing* i went up there and got the flag, she scolded me and the only two boys from our group took the flag and said the group was gonna loose a few points because of my fuckign im just i was just "okay whatever soz" my whole way until i reached to the room and "okayy now is not the time to cry go take a fucking shower ignore their judging eyes" i wanted to cry myself until my eyes bled but it never happened.

there was a 9 year old that told me two guys from her group saw me with her, so they asked the 9 year old (lets call her anika) they asked anika for my fucking phone number. and they're fUCKING 20 YEARS OLD. THEY ALSO SAID "if she's 14 years old then im 15." HOW FUCKING CREEPY IS THAT IM NEVER GOING BACK THERE EVER AGAIN. but i told anika to tell them that i am just a smol privileged bean waiting to finish high school or college. also, what is it about me that made them think i was cute or something?? smh.
also there was this guy from my group, his name is julius and he also kinda likes mcr, fob, switchfoot, anime, VIDEO GAMES and we basically talked about black ops and anime with franz. IM SO GLAD IM NOT THE ONLY ONE
there was also a guy from team samson called uniko, he's rlly pretty tbh, just a very tinnie tiny crush since he kinda almost stared at me at some time. or is it just because of my miserableness idk.

the third day was HORRIBLE. i was so excited to go home tbh. the morning was okay as usual, i walked while they were all jogging, i got more sick, *awkward pause since i forgot what happened and im eating chicken nuggets* tonight was the last night when we all dress up formal and take our awards if we had any. im just gonna skip to the part already. the "campers got talent" was delayed because they all knew we were all talentless and we have no time for that– just let us wear our formals. especially me. so it was replaced by roleplaying with a moral from the bible. we were still the worst group but we won best actor and best supporting actress. our whole roleplay was a giant facepalm and really bad acting, i almost broke my voice tbh. the other groups were aWESOME, it was hilarious, dramatic (something we lacked) and full of morals. aah the awarding time, shoot my leg hair pls. mr. congeniality was the asian guy with the pretty skin, and he was still wearing the same outfit. ms. congeniality was a girl idk her name is but she must be a great person to win such a title. mr. photogenic was another pretty guy idrk about him, ms. photogenic was sophia, she's really pretty!! and uGH. it was the best formal attired. mr. best dressed was a guy with a black plaid shirt with a pink bowtie, i knew he was gonna win, and.. aND FUCKING AND I won ms. best formal attire. what the fuck. I HAVE NO IDEA I ALMOST HAD A FUCKING PANIC ATTACK I DIDNT WANT TO GO THERE, I HAVE A SOMETHING ON MY KNEES AND IS BARELY COVERED BY MY SKIRT. my outfit was really really simple, just a black and red floral sleeveless, a black skirt thats a rlly few above my knees and idk about my shoes its like the ones guys wear but more feminine iTS JUST THE BLACK SHOES I WEAR ON SCHOOL. but for a first timer there and instantly winning an award, its not that bad.

this story's getting a bit long im so sorry. but i havent told you about how i tripped and severely damaged my right arm.
i just finished dressing up and im about to meet up with my groupmates. franz was there and she was speed walking. it was so dark and i was focusing on her. I didn't notice the hump in the way and i tripped HARD i scrapped both my knees and now my arm is broken. i tried to shrug it off and absorb the pain like what i always do, i really want to jump in the pool and drown it was that embarrassing. i can never escape that experience.

so basically i have a cold, my temperature's probably a little higher than 37 now, my right arm still hurts, i thought my legs are now clear from scraps but welcome two more. i thought the bible camp was gonna help me but it just made me physically, emotionally, mentally and eternally damaged.

that was so long im so so sorry, but thank you so much for reaching to the end, i know im boring, no one's gonna read this, i basically just wasted my time. please vote and comment whatever you want, here's a cake for your achievements of today!

アクリル ; Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt