thnks fr ths qstns

79 7 40

tagged by Dane-Howell thanks fren :D

1; what do you think of this picture?

1; what do you think of this picture?

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cheeky tortoise bum secks. why isn't this the next trend? this is fap worthy

2; what do you think of this picture?

fuCKiNg DESTIEL M8 cas is a literal angel irl oh shit misha collins is taking questions on tumblr gtgtgtg

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

fuCKiNg DESTIEL M8 cas is a literal angel irl oh shit misha collins is taking questions on tumblr gtgtgtg

3;fave meme?
pepe the frog, doge and sanic

4;fave show?
the walking dead, scream queens, american horror story

5;fave youtuber that's not dan and phil?
jacksfilms :D
at the moment

6; fave book?
does wattpad count?? ive literally only read 4 books my whole life which is dork diaries, diary of a wimpy kid, famous last words and paper towns.

7; fave song?
The Kooks - Naive
there's a lot more tbh

8; fave band?
this question is invalid if i answer honestly it might take a whole chapter soz

9; fave album of all time?
oh dear,, blurryface

10; fave lyric from bohemian rhapsody?
"scaramouch, scaramouch, will you do the fandago?"
"beelzebub has a devil put aside for me"

11; fave quote from a youtuber?
"i'm gonna change the world in ways you could not believe." -AmazingPhil

12; fave pewdiepie video?
the whole skate 3 and outlast series
all of his videos are my faves
and he finally got his diamond play button
and he finally shaved

13; fave social media platform?
idk,, youtube
why do i not know a social media platform smh

here's my questions!
1. dat boi or pepe the frog?
2. you have the ability to shape shift, who would you shape shift first?
3. what halsey song got you the most?
4. you found the TARDIS, when shall you travel first?
5. what annoys you the most?
6. favorite subject?
7. what would you nickname yourself?
8. "How's Your Anus, Ryan? - Panic! At The Disco feat. ________"?
9. what would you call your fans?
10. troyler or tronnor? im so sorry
11. who do you want to be your sugar daddy/mommy?
12. invent a new kink. (make it as disturbing as possible)
13. make a poem about your crush, or if you don't have one, about me :D
sorry i just want to cheer myself up its okay if you don't want to just make a poem about josh dun

i tag;

so sorry if im bothering you guys
and i should be sleeping rn

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