my mum gives great advices

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hey everyone, im sorry for not updating, school is still hard and im suffering.

anyways, this chapter is another sToRyTiMe!!1! please bare with me here.

okay, a few days ago, my mum told me something ridiculous its fucking hilarious,,
she told me if any of my friends are somewhat bullying or talking behind my back, i might need to falcon punch the fuck out of them because they deserve it. NO, MUM. and she also said that i have a reason why because they were bullying me for a very very long time i think when i was 6. but the bullying wasn't that bad, it did ruin me but it was just throwing shade, ignoring me, reporting me about something i did, and just those little things that can never drive someone mad except me. (mad hatter by melanie just played yEs)
the reason why my mum said that because apparently she had a dream about my friends bullying me and i was crying (as always) and i told her about it and then she woke up. mum for fucks sake its just a dream. after she told me about this i cried a little bit because first of all, holy shit she just realized that i was getting hurt by my friends, secondly, i don't want to loose my friends again, all my life i tried to make those 4 life ruiners to just like and accept me, i don't want to use brutality to loose everything i've done for them, i'm not that brutal, although last night i clawed by uncle's arm because he was telling me that i always fail at doing everything, that i'm a failure, and i'm irresponsible. my relatives are the fucking best god i hate him so fucking much. lastly, this will legit ruin my school reputation, im gonna get reported by the school principal, the police will come, im gonna get in the news, and this will haunt my life forever, but for once i'm using my maturity and knowledge of knowing what's best i decided not to take in my mum's advice, of course.

i'm so sorry if my way of telling things are unintelligible, i don't understand myself either.
but i hope you're having a wonderful day, don't let this negative chapter get you, im just ranting, and you don't really care.



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