resting bitch face

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hey my fab oreo squad! also there's a bag (or packs) of oreos beside me.
also, please don't get offended, i feel like im slightly a bit of a hypocrite, i might misgender my lesbian cousin for using the wrong pronouns, or whatever you find thats offensive, just don't get offended.

okay, im having another frustrated rant about this topic ive always wanted to talk about. im sure this possibly won't relate to you, you lucky bastard. anyways,
do i have a resting bitch face? i think i do fml.
if you're still in a nutshell and don't know what a resting bitch face is, its basically when you pull off your straight face and people would assume that you're mad or something.
i feel like i do have a resting bitch face probably because of my eyebrows, goddamn you make up artist for ruining my perfectly un groomed eyebrows from when i was 7.
now that it's settled that i do have a rbf, im just gonna tell you all this story that has occurred just a while ago.

this has always been a problem of mine.
first off, my lesbian cousin (im using she/her pronouns since she's not trans and she doesn't really mind) is one hell of a cousin because she gets angry pretty easily and she's problematic as fuck, no chill. she's been really mean to me since i was a child and till this day.
she comes to my room, she's looking for my mum, she asked me about it, and i couldnt hear her clearly so all i did was, i asked her "what?" with my eyebrows furrowed and im clearly confused. IT WAS JUST ONE SIMPLE FUCKING QUESTION THEN HER REACTION Is "don't you fucking disrespect me" WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE AND THEIR ANGER ISSUES THIS DAY?! let me just simplify everything, she asked me where my mum was, i clearly didn't know or heard her correctly, i asked her what, then she says how disrespectful i am.
wOw I JUST CANT BELIEVE THIS. this is not the first time she's done this btw.

first of all, how is asking with a confused expression, disrespectful?! disrespecting means not taking in mind of people's preferences, feelings and so on. not asking someone because you're confused. (my teacher taught us the definition if you thinking its wrong blame her not me soz)

secondly, oh the irony, such hypocrisy. she's the one who's disrespectful for saying that im disrespectful for doing something a sinple human being can handle without going beast mode.

lastly, this just hurts my feelings, i always get these shit from my family (who clearly makes everything a big of a deal and they're so ignorant). i just told this to my mum and she said "if someone comes here to the room you immediately remove your headphones so that they don't have to repeat again" i know its true but i just asked one simple question, why can't they just not make it a big of a deal, its just adding to their problems. although i know im also the problem and i should do what my mum told me, i knew i was always wrong 😞

i just a lot of problems with my family, if they hurt my feelings (which is pretty easy) they will never care, my mum probably knows that i have depression and she also doesn't give a shit.

so anyways, im so sorry if this chapter is a little bit negative. although here's a random gif (hopefully you guys aren't tired of the random gifs ..) to make your day a lot more better. have a nice day!! (Thanks tumblr for the gif)

 have a nice day!! (Thanks tumblr for the gif)

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