how to distract yourself from loosing your shit

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hey fab oreo squad!

before i teach you my nonsense guide, sToRyTiMe!!1!
im just gonna make this short.
me and my mum went to buy food, our main reason is to buy pizza but it never happened. anyways, i suddenly saw a bunch of coloring materials, since we still have time and i wanted to draw or just get creative, i bought the 24 crayola coloring pencils, it wasn't the brand i wanted but there's no faber castel so fml. so i went home, and i tried it, AND IT IS THE ABSOLUTE FUCKING DEVIL OF ALL COLORING MATERIALS, I AM SO SO DISAPPOINTED, FUCK YOU CRAYOLA FIX YOUR SHITTY COLORING PENCILS. lets just forget that i said that because im possibly gonna get sued and banned from the internet forever. bUT IT WAS KEEJKSNSJA SO FUCKING BAD i mean, look at this shit

it says its sharpened but there are 4 pencils that are slightly broken

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it says its sharpened but there are 4 pencils that are slightly broken. UNACCEPTABLE!!!
also, i know its not much of a big of a deal but people that like to draw like me will easily criticize the fuck out of this shitty waste of money. I JUST WASTED 200 PESOS (5 dollars) FOR THIS USELESS CRAP I CAN JUST BUY A WHOLE GODDAMN PIZZA AND MAKE MYSELF HAPPY CRAYOLA JUSt PISSES ME OFF. also because of how cheap it feels when you write, i hate that, and how it glides so freaking easily i hate that as well. basically this crayola waste-of-money is just like the naruto one i got from my teacher for christmas. unacceptable.

NOW ON TO THE GUIDE! on how i distract myself. hopefully this works.

1. go to youtube and search "MCR/FOB/TØP/P!ATD CRACK"
you need a good laugh, and that video is the perfect solution.

2. eat. anything you have under your bed.
wait, you don't keep your pringles under your bed like me?

3. read the bee movie script.

4. search "emo bands derp" on google.

5. search and find the rarest pepe of them all.

6. listen to music. ALWAYS. plug on some tøp because josh dun is josh fun.

7. appreciate gerard way's beautifulness. appreciate your fave band members.

8. dance to some of the hottest singles! *g note*

9. read some yummy angsty fluffy smutty.

10. worship and praise your anime posters. i know im not the only one, pls.

obviously that (didnt) work. BUTT
i have the real guide from tumblr, again. im glad on what im contributing towards my audience, professionalism that isn't mine.

that guide is only if you're really frustrated so good luck with that

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that guide is only if you're really frustrated so good luck with that.



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