ugh school

75 16 13

good morning my oreo fam squad! or afternoon or evening, idk time zones smh

so today i woke up fine and dandy, had a good laugh with my mum about ignoring our uncle having a not so great time knocking on our door wanting to go inside as always. lmao i even sang wake up in the morning then i dab idk why but i just did .. and dabbed
and then i just realized what day it is, its fucking may 31 and i haven't enrolled yet. incase you're a fancy non filipino person, our summer starts during april, and school starts on june 13. its basically the opposite of yours.
the only thing exciting about school is science and buying notebooks, thats only it. why, you're asking, it's obviously because i dont like my school. not about the education system, its quite okay i guess, but the people that sorround me everyday, makes me hate school so much.

now i'm gonna take you all to a brief history—no actually, this is a little message. now i'm warning you this is also gonna be a long chapter (not really) of basically me complaining about everything (my life) so if you aren't comfortable with that i suggest you g t f o in a good way. here's a watermelon because you read the whole thing. 🍉🍉🍉 also massive shade throwing ahead 🚨

to all my classmates and everyone else from my school that does the same,
please, grow the fuck up. don't be too goddamn sensitive. you're already a grown up, let's all learn about our responsibilities instead. don't cause a scene. okay, i know i did something wrong, i will immediately feel guilty and say sorry. but you don't need to fucking cry out loud in front of the whole classroom and embarrass me for "giving you your 10 pesos incorrectly", that's so wrong, why can't we just sit down and talk about it like what we're supposed to do? instead you're just ruining my appearance's reputation and now i'm labeled "the most offensive person in the whole school" again. please think about other's feelings too, that's my fucking problem with you all, you never think about my opinions, my preferences and my depression. and thats pretty disrespectful and selfish of you, of course i'll get affected when everyone's against me cuz you made me the bad guy, as i said about causing a scene, please think about my feelings too. also i don't think i want you all to know that you people started my depression, and i'm sure you won't care and think that being depressed is the same thing as sad, it kinda is but being depressed is a big deal. stop being so goddamn childish, i did something that's so little to being offensive and now look, i'm being called by the guidance again, can't you just shrug it off and stop making shit a big of a deal, you're wasting your time and it's making me more problematic.
this is a little personal but this is for the people i always hang out with.
dear you guys, i really like being with you all. but there's something really really wrong about ignoring me for something little i've done. PLEASE STOP. FUCKING STOP IT ALREADY. i know i did something that might offend you babies, but please, ignoring and making me jealous is not a goddamn solution. its not really a big deal in your perspectives, its just specifically ignoring. but it is for me, its a really enormous problem i have that mainly caused my depression. basically its making me really frustrated, guilty, insane and unwanted, there's a lot more words to describe it. you guys are a lot more older than me and you should know that the right thing to do is just tell me, tell me all your doubts, i swear i will never tell anyone, i've learned to take the pain a really long time ago back when we were all still 4, the silent treatment still affects me till this day.
and this one is for my "bestfriend" (not cass)
we have been friends since we were fucking 4, how the fuck can you not know my true self by now?
why can't you realize what i've been going through? why can't you do your purpose as a bestfriend and help me? this might sound so wrong and offensive, are you really my bestfriend? do you even care about me? do you even know that i'm depressed and in need for your help? why do i expect so much about you? why can't you repay me for being so loyal for you? why can't you just tell your family that we're back as friends again because that's what bestfriends are supposed to do? why won't your family accept me? questions i ask myself all the time. but no matter what, you are my bestfriend and i'm truly so blessed that you're still here for me, thank you for that.

i have a lot of problems with you all, but it seems like you may never genuinely understand, know, accept and care about. it's not always me who's the problem, its all of you for not knowing that i might have a point. please don't see this as offensive or rude, i'm just sharing most of my problems and opinions. thank you so much for reading.

from, a really offensive, problematic and depressed nobody

also if you're actually someone i know irl pls don't tell me to the guidance again i s2g im so sorry i used the f and s word smh

um so you just read my real thoughts and some of my problems. thank you so much for reading pls vote, comment whatever you like and yES I JUST REACHED 1.50K :D

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