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"Excuse me, Mr. Merin?" An old man at the door distracted me from my work. Placing my folder on the mahagony office desk in front of me, I looked up at the butler, Wilfred.

"Yes?" I trailed off cocking a brow up in the process. Wondering what was the matter, given that the butler knew I didn't like being disturbed when I was working.

Unless it was important of course.

"Your father had called you in his office, sir." Wilfred said quite hesitantly, his features had grown tense.

"Right now?" I questioned highly annoyed. My fingers gripped the arm rest, while my jaw clenched at the thought of my father.

The man who wanted- still wants me to be like him. A monster.

The elderly man in front of me, merely nodded in response and scurried off into the dark hallways. He knew how annoyed I got at the father and thought it was in his best interest to run away. I leant back in my chair, sighing. I never wanted to be like my dad. He knew that for a fact, but never acknowledged it.   

Shifitng the chair back as it screeched on the marble floor, I made my way to meet him. The dimly lit hallways would've given anyone the creeps to run about thinking that this place was haunted; but it was still my home.

The place smelt musky and the dust on the paintings that lined the hallway made me wonder what were the servants doing. Walking down my gaze fell on the painting of my mother.

Never had I known much about her, every time that I sought out to extract more information from dad, he would just scold me and storm away. Shaking my head, I made my way further down the end of the hall. To my father's office.

Standing there at the old black oak wood door that reached the ceiling, one would contemplate the fact that he might have been in a grandeur setting on a throne or something. Well I'm grateful that he atleast is humble in that aspect.

One thing, well perhaps the only thing I liked about him.

My fingers gripped the handle and I opened the door. The door creaked eeriely. I spotted my dad sitting at the long table that he had placed in his office where the meetings of The Six usually took place.

The room was dark, the only source of light which had been the fireplace on his left was dying out. Annoyed by the lack of illumination, I did what I do best.

I raised my arm and let the powers take over me. Slowly but steadily, blue light emerged from the palm of my hands, sending off its blue radiance across the room.

This was one of the powers that I had attained from my grandma; who looked old but wouldn't take a minute to surprise you. After all, looks can be deceiving.

The man in front of me, my father, cleared his throat. Snapping me out of my thoughts and placing me sole attention on him.

"What do you want, dad?" I whined, "I thought I told you that I didn't want to-" I got cut off abruptly, by my father.

"You don't even know what I'm even going to talk about," he said sternly. His voice deep and commanding, his dark eyes solely focused on me.  

His appearance felt more different than before. The once powerful and pristine face now looked tired with dark circles under his eyes. This is what exactly happens when one locks them self up alone in this huge mansion with hardly any light.

"So what exactly is it?" I purse my lips and wait for a response. Leaning on the door behind me.  

"I want you to call the rest of The Six," he paused and turned to face the dying fire. "I foresaw soemthing and I want to make sure that we're prepared for it." He stared thoughtfully at the fire. Father's strange demeanour had caught me off guard and rendered me curious.

"Oh and Merin, my son. If you could," he hesitated, "tell Anna to meet me. Personally," the man faced me. All I could do at that point of time was to agree with the man for I knew about his powers.

I left the room after assuring him that I would do as told. However, I had also warned him that Anna might not be willing to come for her distrust in my father.

On my way back, I thought about my  father who could foresee the future. I had even thought about Anna.

On entering my room, I took its simplicity into consideration. The only thing I had admired most about my room was the hidden galaxies that I had marked on them, which turned a shade of blue only when it was dark.

The feeling of being in the arms of the cosmic star dust, put me at ease.

Taking a sip of water, I focused my attention at the task at hand. The glass clinked as I set it back down on the alluminium platter.

As I strolled towards the white door, I thought about the girl quite fondly. The one who helped me through thick and thin. The one whom I thought I was destined to be with. She held the key to making me feel alive and I missed her.

Stepping in front of the newly painted door, I held back. The smell wasn't something I was quite fond of. This door had this mysterious aura around it. Given it's the only door that is painted white as compared to all the black doors in the mansion, it also was visible to a selected few in the house.  

Opening it, I stepped a couple of feet inside, coughing and sneezing at the presence of dust. The result of it not being used to often.  

On regaining back my composure from the sneezing spree; I held my arms out and murmured the spells that had been taught to me. Closing my eyes, I could feel the energy surge through me.

A chill ran down my spine when the deed had been completed. I let out a deep breath and opened my eyes slowly.

Noticing the blue void that had been created in the middle of the room, I smirked at the success of the spell.

I put one of my leg in first which radiated a blue halo. Smirking at the thought of teleportation I stepped right into it and flew through time and space to meet her.


Hellooo!! All of this is the start of this new book. And I hope you liked it. Since it's my first on a topic like this. I have been waiting to write this work of mine after my 1st book. Please feel free to vote&comment.

My friend has been a great help in getting pictures & helping me with suggestions. He too wrote a book on 'discovering myself' . You can follow him up.

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