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They were not just in the dark anymore but slowly started coming toward us. By now the others have noticed what was the silence all about. It was then they had come over to check it out. The problem is I got stuck in the spot even if I wanted to run I couldn't, my legs were not willing to move. It was hopeless & so I just stood there doing nothing.

Slowly they came under the  moonlight, not alone anymore but more of them. I looked at everyone but they were just as I was, stuck, but kept staring. The only difference was that we were scared & they were curious.  They came until they stood a few feet in front of us.  They were tall almost reaching my chest. They were all with broad shoulders, some were females and males I could tell because of their fur colors. There was 4 cubs behind the mother wolf. They were like mesmerizing us with their eyes & held my gaze. But thank god no one has the nerve to run off because they wouldn't be lucky enough to live or even a chance to live.

The cubs was pretty brave enough to come forward sniffing then looking at their mother as if for permission. It was cute. Oh..... what am I thinking??
Im like a prey in front of these wolves & all I think is how cute they are*sigh*. I just realized I'm the only one standing in front, where the rest are behind me. One of the bravest cub comes up to me near my feet, I just stand still not moving. He starts sniffing me, then when I was so into that, I hear a crunch & I look up. Im face to face, with the leader of the pack. We remain like for a few seconds then, it's as if he spoke to me or was some one else talking to me?  "What is your name, child?"

Wait...what???? Was it him? Or I imagined it. "Its me, child. In front of you. Do not be afraid, my pack will not hurt you." I looked & stared at the wolf with wide eyes & then I pinched myself just to make sure. It was real.... oh gosh..... it is. "Wh-wh-who are y-yo-you?....What are you? How can I hear you talk?.. animals don't talk.... even if they did we can't hear them." I was so much confused that I blurted out the questions. He smirked,
"Calm,down my child. It will all be answered soon, now what's your name?"........*steady breaths*...."my name is....... anna." "I am khal, the leader of my pack...What are you  doing out here in the cold?".

"We are here because our bus got stuck on the snow and wouldn't move". I said.  The small cub came & started shouting something in a foreign language & because of that the mama wolf shushed him saying "she doesn't know". I wondered what that was about. I hope that 'she' wasn't me.

Suddenly I felt a pounding headache, maybe it's because of the cold I thought. The next thing I knew, I fell on my knees, hit my head & blacked out.
I woke up thinking what ever happened was just a dream, but as I looked around, I saw a couch with the grandmother from the bus sitting then to my left- aunt rachel. Then I saw them, with an old woman. The old woman came beside me. "How are you feeling dear? ....  you might feel little body pain but after more rest you will feel completely healed,here drink this it will calm your nerves down....... now rest dear." I could not even nod my head, my body was paining all over, but I remember closing my eyes again & back into the dream.

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