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Present Day

*Rrriiiinnnnggg.......rrrriinnnnggg..* my eyes shot open, the light was bright so I shut them again & blinked. "Shoot! Im late. Mom's gonna kill me." "Annaa!! Your alarm clock's gone off, you don't want to be late."
"Im up mom." I said. "Your breakfast is waiting,have it before it gets cold."
Boy....!! That was just a memory. It felt real though. Well after that, things went from my normal life to an awesome one. From that time, I came to know I was different not just different......different but different from the rest of the world. It was shocking for me at first but I got used to it. I am not just like any other human being. I have got energies flowing in me that isn't even normal. I have got powers..... powers that controls lightning, healing ability, super speed&best of all FLYING!!! I can fly, I don't need wings at all. After I ended up blacking out..... I was taken cared from an old woman. For some days I stayed till I was well again. My aunt was there along with me but the tourists went their way after saying goodbye to us. They had to get back to their homes. It was a small house, she was staying all by herself.... attending her chicken's.....  by looking at it; you will say 'she's just an old lady living alone on a hill' but she's more than that, for I alone have seen it.

I get into the school bus. I hate going to school but it's the only way to stay undercover because I am just 17. My mom will only be happy if I graduate like every other normal kids, only then will I be able to live my life. As I take a seat, I see a black SUV parked on the opposite side of my home. I've never seen that car before, maybe it's the new guys moving. I pushed that thought aside &  the bus took off.

From the black SUV, a guy with black shades on rolled down the glass and watched the bus leave. He took out his phone , dialed & brought it to his ear. " I found her..... yup..... she's doesn't even have a clue.... yes master....... don't worry I'll follow her around......ok". Said the stranger.
He got out of the car & locked it. He took out the 'for sale' board & threw it aside. Took the house key from under the welcome mat, and inserted into the keyhole, turned the lock & entered inside. He moved towards the windows & drew in the curtains letting no light inside. He sat on the chair, & logged in, in his laptop placed on the table. Hehe... now we got you this time.... merin.... this time you won't escape & there wouldn't be a chance. And pressed enter.

The classes are so boring, & the days go slow too. *sigh* I miss using my powers, I am not allowed to use it in public but even if I do it, it would be for a good cause. So im forgiven if I get caught.

"Hey!anna!!.... is anyone there??!!"said my best friend Helen. Her hand knocking on my head. I brought myself to reality and looked at her.

"sorry, I was just lost in thought I guess" & gave her a cheeky grin.

"Anyways, what's plans after school, coming to my home. I can show you the cool collections of makeup my mom got for me. It would be fun. Don't you think?!"

" ya, but maybe some other time, my mom told me to be home&besides I have loads of homework." I said.

"Okay" said Helen. She looked sad but then brightened up again. "Maybe in the weekends, you could sleep over & then we could do it, alright?!"

"That would be great."I said maybe then I could be like a normal teenager.
I wish I could tell her everything but merin told me for now it should be kept a secret, which sucks. Well, I hope she forgives me when knows about it later&still will be my friend.

There was red sports car parked across from school. At first I felt I had seen it somewhere before but wasn't sure if I did, I was about to turn around when I saw a familiar figure getting out of the car with a  brown leather jacket that tightly hugged his bulging muscles, with a tight looking black V-shaped shirt,  blue jeans& wearing shades. He was looking hot!! But I knew I had to stay put, I didn't know he would have the same feelings. He always treated me like a sister. From the time I met him in alaska. That's the part I didn't tell you about yet.

Me&merin come a long way back. When I was taking cared from that old lady. She was not alone but was with her grandson. I didn't know that until one day I was awake and I felt good & less tired. I felt like getting out of the bed & going for a walk. I sat straight in bed and sat still. I couldn't hear anyone. So I  moved the sheets that covered me aside& pulled my legs to the side of the bed. I was about to stand up when someone came & held their hand on my chest.

I got scared. When I looked up, I was shocked, I had never seen a person's eye this good looking. His eye color was just amazing with the color of hazel. But that was soon cut off suddenly.

"Where do you think your going? " he said. He pushed me back down on the bed. He turned around & started to pour some hot steaming liquid into bowl placed on a small table. He had broad shoulders, I think he is my age. Not sure. He then looked at me, & it, broke away my concentration. Wait.. who is this guy? Where am I?

"Excuse me, where the heck am I?" I asked.
"Well, you are in my grandma's home." replied the hot guy.
"How did I end up here? ... what happened?" I asked with a stern face.
"Well.... you saw something in the woods and you ended up getting unconscious which lasted for almost a week and now you're here."
"Could you sit up, you need to drink this... to get your strength back."he asked.

I will never forget that day... that's when I met him. * :) *

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