Chapter 3

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The rest of my morning was spent in an awkward silence. I tried to replay the previous night, but I still kept coming up empty. I laid down on my bed just listening to the sounds that surrounded me. I have never been the kind of person to just sit and be still. I was always in a constant state of motion. Toni called me her humming bird, gorgeous to look at, but harder then Hell to catch.

I looked at my clock, after what had seemed like a decent amount of time, and noticed that it was only 11:13. This was ridiculous. I am never home at this time of day so I don't even know what is good on TV. I heard movement in the hallway, and I knew Celeste would be getting ready to leave for work soon, so I decided to leave the sanctuary that was my bedroom.

" Hey Cel?"

" Yes love?"

" I don't remember coming back home last night." Celeste stood there looking at me, she seemed to try to be reading my body language. I had really tried to remember the night before, but I had no idea what had happened. I was starting to think that I was losing my mind.

" You know, that has been bugging me too," Celeste said with her hands on her hips," I came home around 1am, and when I checked in here, you were not in your bed. You know I am a light sleeper, and when you are out late I always hear you come in."

" We left the bar after midnight, and we headed back to his place. I was totally thinking that things were gonna turn out like a cheesy romance novel, but he was a gentleman. He made one move to kiss my neck, I lost my balance on my heels, and he picked me up and carried me to the sofa. I remember feeling like he was safe, so when he motioned for me to sit with him on the couch, I did. I placed my head on his shoulder, and I guess I fell asleep."

" Can you remember anything else?"

" Not really. I wish I could. I just know there was something more to him, something in his eyes told me I could trust him." Celeste was giving me a puzzled look, I know she was thinking I was making a mistake, but she was to nice to tell me.

" Girl, I dunno. Please tell me you got a phone number." Celeste was looking at me with a worried set of eyes.

" I did, I just have been to nervous to call." I really wanted to see him again, he was safe, and I loved the way I had felt in his arms. I needed to call him, even if it was just to get answers.

" Call him! Or hell text him." Celeste glanced down at her watch. " Sorry love, but I gotta go! Love you!"

Celeste sauntered out of the front door, ready to get her day started, and I still had a few hours until I had to be at the firm. I walked back to my room and picked up my phone. I was shaking, I really just wanted to be at work, behind my nice mahogany desk. I went to my contacts and started scrolling through the names. At the bar last night, Nathanial had taken my phone playfully and added his number in. I thought it was cute, much better then a used napkin, scribbled on with a drunken hand and lipstick.

Just as I was beginning to press the call button, my phone began to vibrate in my hand. I never have the sound up, I don't even think I remember what my ring tone is. I was not a big cell phone talker, I would  rather text.

" Hello?"

" Cameron?" His thick accent rang into my ears. It was amazing what just the sound of his voice could do.

" Hi Nathanial. I was just about to call you."

" Were you? I apologize,for last night. You were so tired and I didn't want to wake you up, you were sleeping so soundely, I just carried you to my car. When we got back to your place you were still asleep, so, I know it was rude of me to go through your purse, but I had to get your house key out. I hope you are not to mad at me for being a bad host. Can I make it up to you? Lunch maybe?"

It was so much to process. So I was asleep, and he brought me home. I really wanted to believe his claims, but something about the whole ordeal just seemed odd. I am not usually that sound of a sleeper. Maybe the mixture of alcohol and no real dinner made me over tired. I really wanted to talk to him further about the situation, so lunch was a good idea.

" I understand about last night. I guess I was just rundown more than I thought. Lunch sounds good, do you have anywhere you would like to meet?"

" I was thinking this nice little Italian place I saw last night. It is right down the street from The Nightengale. D'Angelos, have you heard of it? Would you like to meet there around 12:30?" He said every word with such eloquence,and control. I could listen to him speak for hours.

" I think I can do that. Oh! Wait no I have to be a t work at 1. Can we make it for tomorrow?"

" Well, unfortunately I can't tomorrow. Do you think your employer would be upset if you were late?"

Something in his voice made me feel like I needed to see him. I figured Toni already told me to take the morning off,why not just take the whole day? I have never missed a day, and I bet she wouldn't mind. That way I can spend a little more time with Nathanaial. Wow, I never thought I would think that.

" You know what, I think I am gonna take the day off. I will see you there in a little while."

" I look forward to it."

Still entranced by the sound of his voice I texted Toni and asked for the day off. I told her I was in need of a little me time. She sent a text back saying she agreed, and she would see me tomorrow. I sat on my bed for a few minutes thinking of what had transpired over the last few days, and smiled to myself. I wasn't sure what was happening with Nathanial, but I knew that his presence did something to me, and I wasn't sure if I liked it or not.

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