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Amy's POV
Sam looked at me in disbelief. He shook his head and his eyes grew even wider.
"You choose me?" He asked me in utter shock.
"Yes, I know what my heart is saying and it is telling me that I have fallen for you, hard and fast." He scrunched up his face.
"So what does this mean for us?"
"Sam, it means that we both have feelings for each other and we should make it work between us." He shook his head again. He used both hands to brush his hair away from his face. I didn't realize how much I was in love with him until that moment.

Sam's POV
She chose me. I felt bad for Cas but, I felt so lucky. I pulled her in and we kissed. Behind us I heard gasps. I pulled away from the kiss and turned to see a broken hearted Cas standing up. I turned to him and said, "Cas I-I'm so sorry, I-" I was cut off by him putting up his hand.
"It is fine Sam, it is her choice. If it makes her happy then so be it." And with that he vanished. I looked down at the floor in guilt. Why should I feel guilty? She chose me! But yet even with those thoughts passing through my head I still held on to my guilt.

Cas's POV
I went to the nearest place I could think of to get away. What was wrong with me? Why wasn't I good enough for her? I had too many questions that were racing around my head. I was in a stage of what humans call mourning or grieving over a loss of something. I guess it was accurate since I had lost what I thought was the love of my life. I looked down from the bridge I was standing on. The water below was mesmerizing, like crystal almost. I always took time to admire my fathers beautiful works of art. Since no one else really did. To me, Amy was a work of art.
I walked along the bridge trying to get the thought of her kissing Sam out of my head. I decided I wasn't going to talk to them. Of course this was referred to as a pity party. I didn't care. I wanted her to be happy, but I also wanted to be happy. But thinking like that was very selfish. After I cooled off a bit I flew back to the hotel.
Everyone was chattering quietly when I entered the room. As soon as people knew I was there, it grew silent. Sam had his arms protectively around Amy, as if I would hurt her or something would attack her. I looked around the room at all of the faces. I stayed silent. Gabe gave me a sorry look, so did Balthazar. I don't think Balthazar felt that sorry for me. I knew he had wanted Amy and Sam to get together from the beginning. But I knew Gabe was genuinely sorry. He had stuck by my side through the whole ordeal, maybe not literally stuck by my side but figuratively. I turned away from them and took a seat in the kitchen. Of course I made sure to face away from them. I heard whispers behind me. I didn't care.

Gabe's POV
I felt bad for Cas. I had known how long he had liked or as he said loved Amy. I also knew Balthazar wanted Sam and Amy together. I just wished Castiel could find happiness.

Dean's POV
I watched Cas just staring at the wall and looked over at Sam who was whispering something in Amy's ear. I felt bad for him. I mean I love that Sam and Amy are together but, I think Cas deserves some happiness too. I just hope he finds it soon.

Well we will all hope Cas finds happiness. But hey good for Sam and Amy! Right? Well thanks for reading!

Carry on (Supernatural)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora