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Amy's POV
I sat on my bed breathing slowly trying to not panic myself. How on earth did I not know they BOTH liked me?! I heard footsteps softly coming towards my door. Soon followed soft knocking. I quickly whipped out my phone to text Charlie since she went off somewhere, she didn't reply. The knocking continued flowed by someone calling my name. I couldn't tell if it was Sam or Cas, but I knew I had to face them sometime. I wasn't going to be a coward and not face my problems head on. I stood slowly and walked cautiously towards the door. I stopped in front of it and looked down at the golden handle. I turned the lock and slowly opened the door, not all the way but just a crack. Cas was standing outside my door with pleading eyes. I saw not ten feet behind him Sam pacing the room like a chicken with its head cut off. I looked at him and Sam noticed I had opened the door. He quickly but cautiously walked towards me. I opened the door slightly more. Sam spoke softly, "I'm sorry, about not telling and kind of fighting with Cas over you, it was very childish and immature, we're sorry." Cas lowered his head. I quickly looked back and forth between the two. I had never really thought about it, but they were both very attractive and sweet. I kind of liked both of them, of course I didn't want them knowing that so I said,
"How about we get this sorted out tomorrow. We all need some sleep, well almost all of us need sleep, and I am super tired."
They looked at me with hopeful eyes and Cas responded,
"Of course, sleep sounds like a good option, let's do that." Sam nodded in agreement and they both headed their own ways. I closed my door as quickly and as quietly as possible. This was kind of exciting, but terrifying at the same time.
Sam's POV
I walked away feeling partly defeated. Amy knew we liked her and we didn't get the reaction we longed for. If she does like us, she better make a decision, because I think I am past liking her, I think I love her.
Cas's POV
Walking away I felt as if I hadn't done anything to improve the relationship Amy and I had, if there even was a relationship there to salvage from. If she did have the slightest chance of liking Sam or I, I would want her to choose soon, and of course choose me. Not to be greedy but I liked her, or maybe even loved her.
Dean's POV
As I opened my eyes I could tell it was late. I looked over at the clock on the wall opposite of me, 9:45. That wasn't bad, we all needed some sleep. I looked over to see Charlie still sleeping peacefully next to me. Why couldn't of we confessed our love for each other sooner? I quietly and and very slowly got up so I didn't disturb her. I quickly showered and got dressed. Charlie slept through all of this, I didn't blame her. I went to the kitchen to see Cas sitting in a chair facing a wall. Why did he always face walls when he was alone? I walked through the kitchen and to the living room to watch some TV and saw Sam sitting up on the couch rubbing his eyes. I asked, "Why didn't you sleep in your room?" He looked at me and he had bags under his eyes. He grumbled, "Because I wouldn't have slept, Charlie told Amy that Cas and I had feelings for her." I raised an eyebrow and responded,
"Well, I hope it works out with you or Cas, I know you are in heartache right now but I just need to tell you that I am sorry for storming off. It was stupid and irrational and I will try not to let it happen again." He gave me the puppy smile and said,
"It is ok, I forgive you." I smiled and sat down on the couch and flipped on the TV.
Amy's POV
I woke up to the ticking of the clock on my wall. I yawned and then thought about the night before. What would I do? Before I had gone to bed I had thought bout liking them, and I liked them, a lot. And I had one in mind but I isn't want to have to think of choosing between them. I got up and got dressed. I faced the day and opened my door with little fear. I walked into the living room to see the TV on and Sam and Dean sitting next to each other. I was about to turn around when I decided against it. I walked in and sat down in an arm chair three feet from Sam. I looked at him and he wasn't looking at me, though I felt eyes on me. I started a conversation. "So how did everyone sleep?" Sam looked over at me and gave me a crooked smile. He responded,
"Good I guess how about you?"
"Good." Well that ended on an awkward note. He shook his head and drew his attention back to the TV. Not ten minutes later Cas walked in and sat on the couch between Dean and Sam. This is where things got even more awkward.
Sam's POV
She seemed fine with what happened last night, but I needed to know how she felt before Cas beat me to it.
I asked, "So can I um talk to you in private Amy?" She started to turn red and moved around like she was nervous. She then replied,
"Uh well I guess that would be ok." I stood up and she followed me into the study. I asked once we were alone,
"So, do you have feelings for one of us? If you do, I would really like it if you made a choice."
She looked at me with widened eyes.
Amy's POV
Did he really just come out and say it like that?! What is his problem?! I am still thinking about my choice!
I looked down flustered and replied hysterically, "Uh well I do not want to be rushed into this right now! Let me take my time to decide!" He stepped back and replied,
"I'm sorry I am just, do you even have feeling for one of us?"
"Yes." He looked at me shocked. I told him that I was going to wake Charlie.
Ok so hopefully isn't going in a weird direction or anything! Thank you I hope you liked it

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