Dean's POV
There was no way Gabe ditched us. Right? Gunner had taken my phone and was calling someone. I heard Amy on the other line and tried to to yell to her that it was a trap despite the duct tape over my mouth.
"Your little friends are on their way to saaaave yoooou."
Gunner cooed.
Charlie and I were tied to the same wooden pole in the barn. My hands were very restricted due to the tight knots binding them but regardless I tried to reach into Charlie's back pocket to grab her pocket knife. My hand met Charlie's to notice she was trying to do the same thing. Gunner and his goons were making it extremely difficult to do so seeing as they were watching us like hawks. Gunner glanced down at his watch.
"Ugh they are taking too long! Let's have some fun shall we?"
He took out a switch blade and knelt to my level.
Charlie was yelling at him to stop from behind her duct tape and Gunner smirked.
"Aw your little girlfriends willing to take your place."
He moved towards her.
I screamed no but it came out as a loud mumble.
Charlie was staring fearlessly into Gunners face almost as if she was daring him to do anything.
He cut her across the jaw and she groaned from under the tape.Charlie's POV
A flash of pain went across my jaw as the silver blade slid across my skin. I glanced over at Dean, his eyes wide with horror.
Chill out Dean it's just a tiny little cut.
I thought to myself.
He continued to cut across my face and arms with multiple inaudible protests from Dean.
Gunner was getting frustrated that I wasn't screaming in pain.
"Let's cut a little deeper shall we?"
Dean yelled in disagreement.
He stabbed me in the leg and dragged his blade through it.
I screamed in agony and dean had upped the ante on his yelling, and was struggled in his binds in a desperate attempt to reach towards Gunner's neck.
I couldn't hold the tears anymore. Blood was spilling from my leg and I felt light headed. I looked to Dean who was yelling to the point his face was red. The duct tape tore from the edge of his mouth slightly and his yells because audible.
He was cut off when the doors busted open and Amy,Sam and Balthazar ran in with guns drawn. That was the last thing I saw before blacking out.Sam's POV
Amy,Balthazar and I had barged into the barn where we immediately saw Dean struggling to get out of his binds, two men (or demons) watching them closely and another of them kneeling by Charlie. He stood and I noticed. Charlie was bleeding! The one who had stood up grinned as his eyes turned black. I grabbed ruby's knife and turned to Amy and Balthazar speaking quickly. Balthazar and I will hold them off, go untie Dean and Charlie and help Dean get Charlie to the car. Now Amy go! Amy darted to Dean and Charlie and Balthazar and I charged the demons.Dean's POV
Amy rushed over to us and ripped the duct tape off my mouth then proceeded to untie my hands.
"Charlie! She's out!"
I said out of breath from yelling from behind the tape.
Amy was trying to stay calm.
"I know Dean don't worry we will get her out."
As soon as my hands were free I hurried over to her to see her leg continuing to gush blood. I swore under my breath and put pressure on the wound as Amy freed her. She helped me pick her up and run her out of the building as the other two fought.
Amy spoke while we were running.
"Where the heck is Gabriel!"
I shook my head.
"I don't know he disappeared!"
We lay her down in the back seat of the impala and I got in the front seat Amy tried to get in the car and I stopped her.
"Go help the boys I'll take her to the hotel and get her stitched up."
I could tell she did not want to leave her alone but she nodded and ran towards the barn.
I sped off, taking the shortcut to the hotel.
So yeah that just happened. Sorry~Lazarus

Carry on (Supernatural)
RandomAmy Hearst and Charlie Fawn had grown up with the Winchesters ever since the tragic accidents with their family. The group must learn to cope with the constant danger of hunting, Balthazar and Gabriel always getting in trouble, and the battle raging...