Both trash (Nagito Komaeda x reader)

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So, for a change, I will not put a specific talent.

(Y/T)=your talent

You were never okay.

That was the truth.

Your parents died when you were a baby, in a car crash.

You were bullied in all your schools.

The people in the orphanage you live in treat you like trash.

So you believed you were.

When you were accepted at Hope's Peak Academy as the SHSL (Y/T), you frowned instead of smiling at the thought that you would be studying in the best school. It wasn't even a talent, you thought.

You arrived at the gates of the school. You haven't even stepped the grounds of the school, someone already noticed you.

"Oi! What's your name loser!", called out a girl in pigtails.

"(Y-Y/N).",you simply said.

"Talent?",she asked demandingly

"SHSL (Y/T)",you said timidly

"Ha! Is that even a talent? Get out of my way!",she rudely said.

You weren't even in her way. In fact, you haven't even entered the school and she was by the school. But you moved away from her anyway.

You finally entered the school, feeling miserable. You walked but you never looked at anyone as you passed by.

Suddenly, you bumped someone, accidentally.

"Look where you're going commoner."

You looked up. A lemon haired guy with glasses looked at you with such superiority.

"I-I'm sorry."

You didn't know what you did to make people talk to you like that. A white-haired guy helped you up. He was...beautiful. You mumbled a thank you and continued to find your dorm.

Finally, you found your dorm. It was just comfy. You put down your stuff, thinking of your miserable start of the school year. Soon enough, someone knocked on your door.

*knock knock*

You wondered who that was, confused because you knew no one from here.

*knock knock*

You slowly walked to the door and looked through the keyhole. There standing was the guy with messy white hair with the most beautiful eyes you've seen.

He seemed kind enough so you let him in.

"Hi! I'm Nagito Komaeda, SHSL Lucky Student. Most useless talent to be honest."

You were shocked. No one else looked down on their talent besides you!

"No way! I have the worst talent! Have you ever heard of the SHSL (Y/T)? It's pathetic! How do you even do that?"

You were amazed by his talent though. It was simply beautiful. You never thought anyone could have a talent like that.

"Hey, that's fine! I think your talent is simply beautiful too!"

Oops, you didn't mean to say that aloud.

"M-my talent? Beautiful? Hahaha! Trash like me shouldn't have a talent"

You both laughed, saying the same thing at the same time.

"Yeah! Beautiful, just like the person who owns it!" Komaeda suddenly said.

You both blushed at what he said.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. is true."

You mumbled a thanks to him, still blushing really hard.

"I-I gotta go. See you later! Wait, you haven't told me your name!"

"(Y/N). (F/N)(M/N)(L/N). Guess I'll see you anytime soon, Nagito Komaeda?"

"Sure! Bye (Y/N)!"

And just like that, he was gone.

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