Stars (Togami x reader)

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Requester: OpalOcean (lol this was long ago right?)

An alternate universe where stars floated like butterflies on earth and brought two people who are meant for each other together.

Togami was never one for cheesy romance dates but as he sat with Kirigiri, he put on a smile that showed he was contented to watch the stars and talk about books all night long.

As they sat on the ground, the expensive picnic blanket lined with gold rather, he inched closer to the close friend he often thought of as beautiful. The lavender-haired girl was oblivious to the actions Togami was portraying, at least that's what everybody thought. The girl never talked much, that's why he was thankful for his knowledge of books, mystery books particularly, that kept their conversation alive somehow.

He knew that the girl was infatuated with the clumsy boy named Makoto, and he simply didn't know the reason. The fact that Makoto is able to steal the attention of Kirigiri angered him. How could a normal boy like Makoto be more appealing than the heir to the biggest company in Japan? Togami thinks that this is just a phase that Kirigiri is going through, that she knows better. But you know what?

He got that wrong.

All the while, Kirigiri knew that she was invited by her good friend Togami to go on a picnic with her. Even if sometimes can't tolerate the attitude of her host, he is a good friend no less.

She could sense the feelings Togami had for her. After all, she was a detective. It was not hard to see through him. But she did nothing to lead him on and she wanted to make it clear that her feelings for him were all platonic.

So she did her best to keep talking with him, to drive him away from the topic that would make them both uncomfortable. But suddenly, she had failed.

Togami didn't know what got over him either. But he admitted his feelings to her. All Kirigiri did was give him a curt nod and say that she had to go.

"I'll see you in school Togami"

And with that, the girl walked away, leaving Togami hurt, not only his feelings but also his ego.

Lots of girls chased after him, but the only one that he wanted rejected him. He was angered and ordered his servants to clean up the expensive linen that was used as a picnic mat.

He cursed the damned stars for not bringing him the one he loved. He hated it, for he was always the superior. The one who controls. He could even manipulate countries, but he couldn't even control his own love life.


You on the other hand were also invited on a date, with Chihiro Fujisaki. The guy was an adorable cinnamon roll and you simply couldn't feel any romantic feelings for your friend. He confessed his love for you long ago but you said that you needed time to think. While you weren't being pressured to like him back yet, you maintained the friendship that you two shared.

But he still insisted on this small date and you couldn't resist the adorable eyes that Chihiro possessed. So you went with him.
To your surprise, he invited you on this "date" to tell you that he would no longer pressure you to have feelings. Shyly, he admitted to you, as his bestfriend, that he liked Chiaki (forgive meeeee I ship them a lot idk why). So in the pizza parlor that Chihiro had chosen for your "date", you felt relieved and happy as you and your bestfriend talked normally, with no awkwardness. You also expresses your support for the two of them.

You went home, happy about the outcome of your friendly date with Chihiro. You bid him goodbye and he left you in the bus station. He insisted on bringing you home but you said that you were fully capable of taking care of yourself.

You felt happy for your friend but then you felt kinda empty inside. You wanted people to like you, but you couldn't like them back.

You went to the park and caught a boy sitting alone on the bench. He looked rich and out of place, sitting in a public park. He obviously was sad. You wanted to go near him, but you were too shy.

"S-Sir, are you okay?" You asked hesitantly

He just looked at you as if you were a piece of trash and went back to being a sad person on the bench.

Idiot, you thought. You were trying to help him.

There was something about him that made you want to help him, despite his previous reaction. You went near him.

"Yo sir, I can help you if you want," You said, insistent

But he just spat words that no person should tell another.

"I don't need your sympathy, you piece of scum!"

How rude, you thought to yourself. But it was part of your personality to forgive. So even if the man hadn't apologized for his actions, you forgave him.

His bitter words didn't get to you anyway. You walked off and gave the grumpy man some space.

As you walked away, you felt something gently tugging on your hand.

A star!

You wondered where the star would bring you. To whom you were matched with. Strangely, the star was leading you to the park.

When you saw where the stars took you, it was kind of a shock.

The guy whom you've tried to help earlier was right in front of you. Earlier, you couldn't see his face. But when you saw him, you were speechless.

The guy had lemon hair and thin glasses. He was rather slim but he was tall. His eyes were enchanting and he didn't seem like the man you tried to help not long ago.

He, on the other hand, decided to actually look you in the eye after staring at his shoes.

He held out his hand and smiled, which made you melt.

"Byakuya Togami. Heir to the largest company in Japan and also Japan's greatest baka"

You giggled and took hand into yours.

"(F/N)(M/N)(L/N). (Y/T) and apparently, the one the stars chose for you"

And even if you just met, you knew it would be a great relationship.


40 years later...

"Now, now grandchildren. That's not the way to treat the esteemed grandfather Togami," You heard your husband say.

The kids giggled and ran around the house.

"Kids, come on," You told your grandchildren.

The 3 young kids were crouding at the old man's feet. He began the story.

My dear grandchildren. You are about to hear about fate.

For it was the stars that brought us together...

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