Arcade (Hajime x reader and a Chiaki x Chihiro)

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Sorry if he's a bit OOC

It was awesome being the Ultimate Hairdresser.

You were accepted in Hope's Peak Academy, and that was your goal in life.

Also, girls like Sayaka, Celeste, Mahiru, and even Sonia asked you to style their hair. Which led you to being close friends.

Even Mondo's hair was styled by you, though his hairstyle was his idea because...lets say that that was not your idea of fabulous hair.

Anyway, the thing you loved the most about being the Ultimate Hairdresser is that you got to style Hajime Hinata's hair everyday.

You like had a crush on him for forever. He used to visit your small salon everyday to have his hair fixed before. You styled his ahoge. And now, he was there in Hope's Peak too.

And now, he just had to walk to your dorm room, just a few rooms away.

But don't get me wrong, you never talked. Like, he didn't even spark up a conversation. He was awfully shy but when you both entered Hope's Peak, he immediately had tons of friends like Nagito Komaeda and Makoto Naegi. He also hung out with Sonia Nevermind and Celestia Ludenburg a lot.

To be honest, it was as if he was friends with everyone but you. That hurt.

You didn't mind, as long as you weren't enemies. But there was something that bothered you a lot.

He always hung out with Chiaki Nanami. Why did it bother you? Well, you were bestfriends ever since you met. Like, you met at the very arcade where you always played games. You thought you were pretty good, but you thought wrong when you met Chiaki.

To be fair, you beat her around twice out of twenty games and that was a record anybody made.

Enough about Chiaki. As I was saying, you would know that he always hung out with Chiaki because you offered to Chihiro to go with you to the arcade, and he obviously always agreed seeing that he was pretty good with those kind of stuff. You originally wanted to go with Chiaki but she said the Hajime wanted to try some games, aaaaaaand you obviously backed out.

Because of that, you and Chihiro became really close. And he told you he was a boy.

He only told you. Yes, while you were in the arcade.

And that was really funny, because you remember Chiaki on the first day of school.


"Y/N",Chiaki called out to you

"Chi-san",you casually replied.

"Who's that?", she asked

You were genuinely taken aback. You thought Chiaki was going to rattle on and on about games again but she was pointing at someone.

"Oh, that's Chihiro Fujisaki. Didn't you know? She's in our programming class Chi-san! She's a genius!"

"Oh", was all Chiaki replied

But after she passed by Chihiro, Chiaki whispered something to you.

"You know, that Chihiro guy's not that bad"

"OMG you think she's cute!", you replied excitedly

"Well, there's nothing wrong. Besides, she's a girl",Chiaki replied casually, going back to her game

You nudged Chiaki, signaling that she go back and say hi but she was embarrassed to go to Chihiro.

So it was you who ended up being friends with Chihiro.

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