Smile :) (Naegiri)

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Sorry I'm choosing which requests to do first but I don't know how to make an x reader for Izuru. And Kotoko and Masaru. Author's block. So lemme do what I do best first XD

It was the Hope's Peak Academy Sports Festival, and all the results were sure before the program even started. Kuwata was sure to win the baseball portion and Akane was gonna win the gymnastics and a lot more. Aoi was gonna get really competitive too. Sakura was sure to earn a medal or two in the Martial Arts.

And in every sports program, there will always be those people who are no good at sports at all. Those loitering at the bleachers or busy tapping away at their phone.

Makoto Naegi was one of them.

Well, to be fair, he did bring a couple of board games and a couple of Sherlock Holmes videos in his laptop in case someone felt like they couldn't do anything anyway. And as much as he didn't want to admit it, he really brought the laptop with Sherlock Videos hoping it would attract a certain girl.

But no. No one was in the corridors that day. In fact, it is one of those rare days when the corridor is not actually packed with hormonal teenagers or crazy fangirls or hardcore gamers. They are all outside, either participating or cheering. But he had no one to cheer for.

So the lonesome brunette sat, picking at his nails.

Meanwhile, a girl with long lavender hair was walking down the corridors. She was bored. Having just finished all her cases, she was looking for any person who is not outside screaming their lungs out or ordering people to buy them some water. In all honesty, she knew one person who wouldn't be outside, due to his normal and ordinary personality. And she was right. The guy she was looking for was not outside. Makoto Naegi was his name.

Makoto, upon the sight of the girl, smiled.

The girl though just stood there.

That was their position for a long time until Makoto asked her if she wanted to sit.

"So, do you wanna sit or yeah?", asked a hesitant Makoto

The stoic girl just nodded and sat with him.

The girl's name was Kyoko Kirigiri. Not that she minded the noise and violence out there but quiet was better. Besides, it was utterly unnecessary in her opinion.

They just sat. If you saw them, it would be really awkward to be honest. But then Makoto was smart and got out his laptop.

"Say, would you fancy watching some Sherlock?", said a hesitant Naegi

Kyoko smiled, and it was truly a moment to cherish for Makoto. Kyoko had to admit, this guy was so charming and they just clicked together. She had never smiled to anyone before, besides her mom.

"I say why not. It's been a long time since I've watched them"

So the two classmates watched together, shoulder to shoulder. No one felt awkward anymore.

Occassionally, Kyoko pointed out some of her favorite parts, and Makoto just smiled, knowing she was enjoying.

And from that day on, Kyoko and Makoto became close friends.

They were often shipped together, and they didn't mind.

Not at all.

But a tragic disaster, an earthquake actually, just had to break one of the most precious relationships in the world.

Because Makoto Naegi was seen no more.

And never did Kyoko Kirigiri smile again

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