Royalty PT.2

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I turned to Eric who had just entered but to my surprise, it wasn't Eric but Mother's head gaurd, Laurent. He was the one who followed and informed her of everything. "Laurent? Is something wrong?" Mother asked. Laurent looked worried. "They found the forest, My Queen. They'll destroy it in a few hours. My prediction is that they will sell all the horses and use the herbs for healing." Mother stood, letting go of me. She quickly exited my room along with Laurent.

What forest? Could it be an enchanted forest in which horses like Ilnora live in? Could it be an enchanted forest with rare plants and trees?

Such questions filled my mind. A rhythmic knock was heard and the door opened. "Princess Veronica, there is a festival tonight that we have forgotten to inform you of. It's the festival of fire, the dancers' festival. It is the only time that Peasants forget about all their worries, or at least that is what I have been told." Eric chuckled. He only called me Veronica when he was worried. My guess is that he does not want me to go into town tonight. Though, he already knows I would be disobedient and leave. "A festival, you say? Shouldn't Mother, Father, and I be down there as well? Father and Mother are caught up in work, I am assuming? Is there more to it, Eric?" I asked, it was evident that I was upset. "You mustn't go out tonight, Princess Veronica. It is too dangerous, many merchants will be there, and where merchants are, thieves appear. You're safety is far more important that seeing some festival."

I sighed, disappointed that I would not be able to go and admire the beautiful dancers, the fire playing around them. I've heard of them, I've seen them, but not at a festival. At festivals, there were more to it then just that. "Go." I whispered softly but loud enough for Eric to hear. He bowed and took his leave. The night was still young. Of course, me being me, I would create a master plan for me to be able to see the festival, not from my window but from up close.

I opened my door and luckily, my Mother's seamstress, Lyla appeared and started making her way toward my room. She was most likely going into my room to find a new gown to remodel. "Lyla, would you be a dear and fetch me some white silk, scissors, thread of every color, and a sewing needle?" I asked nicely. She nodded, and soon enough she was making her way to her bedroom. Lyla was unable to live in town due to the fact that some wretched and  jealous woman was angry that Lyla's shop was better than hers and burned down her home. Everything was burned, including all of her earnings. Lyla was rendered homeless and broke. Mother and Lyla were friends when they were younger. It turned out that Lyla's father was a guard in the palace who died saving Grandmother's life. Mother felt sorry for her and offered Lyla a room in the palace. Now, she lives with us as my Mother's royal seamstress.

She came rushing back with all the supplies I asked for. "Is there something you'd like me to sow, Princess Veronica? Perhaps, a new white silk gown?" I shook my head a few times. She nodded and left to run some errands. I carefully unfolded the silk and started working on a new fashion.

When I finished, I put it on. It was something a peasant could wear, well, not the silk of course, but they could use their clothing to design it like this. I wore the brown cloak from the night before. I checked the clock by my door and immediately knew the guards would be by my door. It was already time for their night guard.

Looks like I will have to do it another way. I've got the most reckless plan that I've been dying to try.

I opened the window, letting the cool breeze hit my skin. I shivered slightly. The ground was not far down. I believe my rope would hold long enough.

I tied the rope that I had woven together myself. It was of fabric from the old gowns that I wasn't able to wear due to the size. I tied the rope to something that would hold. I threw the rope down and made sure it would not untangle. I then started making my way down and to the festival.

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