You still look like an ogre

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Chapter 9 - You still look like an ogre

"How much further, Corona?" I was so tired. I was afraid I'd pass out from exhaustion. My feet were burning, and I felt like I'd give out any second. My arms were exhausted from carrying Nica. Corona was humming a pixie song. Ever so often, she switched between flying and walking so that she wouldn't feel like passing out. "It's just 3 miles, Caspian. Stop exaggerating." I glared at her as she flew up to a tree and picked a few red apples. Her short, dark brown hair had somehow turned into a mess.

"You want some?" She continued picking apples as I walked away. I didn't care if she was being left behind. I needed to get to the river as soon as possible.

I felt something hard hit me on the back of my head. I turned around and saw an apple on the ground. I looked up to see Corona picking more apples. She hadn't moved from that tree. "Corona, why did you hit me in the head?" She dropped the apple she just picked. She turned around and said, "What? I never hit you. I was picking apples." I raised my eyebrows. "Stop lying. An apple hit me in the head." She had gone pale. "An apple?" I nodded my head. She looked terrified. "We need to go right now." She dropped all the apples and flew down. Then, she began to run.

Something hit my head again. I was afraid to turn around because I thought Corona would disappear once I do. I made sure to keep Nica from getting hurt. More apples were thrown at us in from every direction. "Corona, what's happening?" Worry laced my voice. The apples were being thrown harder at us. Corona picked up her pace until she was too exhausted to keep going.

Apples kept hitting us. "Apple Squirrels." She breathed out. Apple what now? "They absolutely hate it when people enter their forest. When someone dares to step their foot in Apple Squirrel territory, apples are thrown at them. The throws become harder each time." I look at her, completely astounded. Soon, blood was dripping down from her head, and I was pretty sure blood was dripping down my head as well. "I thought you said this is the safest route!" I shrieked.

She moaned out in pain. "This is the safest route! At least we have a chance at getting out alive. You would probably die within 20 minutes if you took the other routes. This is why the river travels here! It is surrounded by danger!" I can hear the squirrels as they continued throwing apples, each throw being harder than the last. Corona passed out.

The world was becoming blurry. A figure was in front of us. The figure was red and a purple barrier surrounded us to keep us from getting hit by the apples. "It's alright. Just relax and everything will be okay." A young girl's voice whispered. Obeying the voice, I closed my eyes and slowly drifted away.

The Queen of Dezmon had a sword in her hand. Determination was evident in her eyes. Her gown was ripped and she had a few cuts on her cheeks. "You won't get away with this!" She yelled out angrily. A man approached her, grabbed her chin roughly, and forced her to look him in the eyes. A humorless laugh escaped his mouth. "Oh Viviana, I pity you. Here I was, thinking I would spare your pathetic life."

His blade was slowly digging into her chest. She had no idea why she wasn't trying to fight back. Her trust in him was completely destroyed and she accepted the fact that he would do this horrid thing.

Her tears dropped down to the ground as he swiftly ended her life. He walked away to continue his plans. She heard Ilnora neigh. "Ilnora, warn her. This is my dying wish." She whispered even though she knew Ilnora wouldn't hear her last wish. She closed her eyes and let a blanket of death cover her. She would forever sleep, unable to open her eyes and see her sweet, beautiful daughter or her handsome, kind king.

I gasped awake in an unfamiliar place. The smell of food cooking had my mouth water. I looked around. The bed was comfy and the light was a bit dim. The floor was wood and the walls were cobblestone. Where was Corona and Veronica? "Oh good, you're awake! My name is Apple Hood! Your friends are waiting at the dining table! The blonde one has a big appetite." She giggled and handed me water. I eagerly drank it, for I was parched. "Don't worry, you have a few hours before the river appears, so you don't have anything to worry about. I'm surprised you're not attempting to kill me." I narrowed my eyebrows. "Sorceress, am I correct? I would be foolish to try and murder you. Your kind are extremely powerful," I said sourly. Sorceress are close to witches. They both have magic.

She grabbed onto my hair and pulled it. I yelled out in pain, "Watch your tone, buddy. Remember, I saved you and your friends' lives, so don't you dare come into my home with that horrible attitude. Gosh, you'd think a prince would his manners." Apple let go of me and left the room. I stood up. My legs were very weak, but I could manage walking for a few minutes. I walked towards the voices I could hear. Along the way, I admired the cozy home. I want to live here. It's so comfortable. "Thank you once again for taking care of us." Nica's laughter was calming. I quickly rushed to them, wanting to see for myself that Nica was back on her feet.

There were a bunch of squirrels, and they danced around Nica as she ate her chicken soup. Her eyes were closed and she moaned in pure delight. She had a huge smile on her face. "Close your mouth or the flies'll get in." Corona whispered and pushed my chin up, closing my mouth. Veronica opened her eyes and stared at me. Her eyes were shimmering, but she ruined the lovely reunion by saying, "You still look like an ogre."
Uh, Hello.
O_O It's me.
I was wondering if you are mad
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