Home Sweet Home

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A/N: HEAVILY unedited... You've been warned.

I put on my most presentable yet comfy clothes which was a little mermaid sweatshirt and cute black work out leggings. My aunt let me borrow her gray bergenstocks and I let my freshly washed blonde hair hang down. Misty insisted I put on makeup but I refused and let my face go natural. So what if my skin was a little raw and my eyes a little baggy.

Our took us 45 minutes to get out the door and another 20 convincing me to actually get in the car.

One word I would use to describe Lake Monroe is relaxed. The people in the side walk stroll leisurely and people tend to wave to everyone that passes by. I noticed that the service is very laidback too. Our waitress wore a t shirt with the cafe logo and ripped jeans. She had black hair with streaks of dark red pulled into two cute buns on the side of her head. Her eye make up was on point and her finger nails were a wine colored purple.

"Hey Misty!" she gushed, pouring my aunt a cup of coffee. "Who's this you have here? Is this your famous neice I've been wanting to meet?"

"It sure is Piper." she turned to me. "Rosie, meet Piper. She is only 3 months younger than you."

Piper grinned and lifted her ring lined fingers to wave. "Hi."

I gave a weak smile and nodded.

She cleared her throat. "Well what can I get you guys today?"


I was writing in my journal when I heard a knock at the door. It was locked but I made no move let Misty in.

"Rosie, you have visitors."

What? Visitors?

I rolled off my bed and padded over to open the door. I peeked my head out through the small crack, ready to bolt the door shut again if my aunt was lieing and planned an ambush.

Misty and Piper stood in the hallway with a lanky dirty blonde guy. "Hi?"

"Oh hey Rosie." Piper said while smiling. "This is Carson, my brother. We just wanted to invite you to movie night at the lake beach. It's hosted by the country club but anyone is welcome."

"Oh, um-"

"She would love to." Aunt Misty cut me off and gave me a look. "What time should she be there?"

I shot a dagger enduced glare at my Aunt. How could she do this to me? This will be pure torture!

"Um around 7 is fine. We'll meet at the gate." Piper pulled out her phone. "Here let's exchange numbers in case we need to reach each other."

I shook my head "I think I'll manage."

"Oh. . ." Piper deflated instantly.

"But I guess we can. . . just in case, you know?" I added quickly feeling more than guilty.

"Sounds good!" her smile returned and we swapped phones.

I hadn't used me phone since I moved here and decided to change my number. The purpose of doing so was limit human interaction. So much for that.


"How bout this one. It's perfect."

I rolled my eyes at misty and continued to write in my note book.
"I told you, I feel like wearing a t-shirt and shorts.

My aunt shook her head. "Not happening. You not going to just skim by this event and act like a loner. Put this on and I'll do your hair and makeup."

I groaned.

"It might be a little chilly by the water so this will keep you good for the night. Not too cold and not too hot."

It was a striped long sleeved crop top with high rise jeans And white converse.

"Fine I'll wear the outfit, but I don't think that it will effect my loner status."

A/N: I know... I know... Its A bit of a drag. Hang in there. There's so much I have planned...*insert evil laughter* love you guys so much. Don't forget to vote comment AND share!

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