Beach Babe

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A/N: HEAVILY unedited... You've been warned.

The movie was The Goonies and as much as I wanted to enjoy the movie the crowds were thickening and I was sandwiched between Piper and a random overweight father crunching on a bag of Doritos next to our blanket. Every five seconds Piper would lean over and tell me a random fact about the movie.

"Did you know the women who owns The Goonie house now banned any one from setting foot on her property. Huge issue with breaking and entering I guess."

"That's nice."

2 minutes and 18 seconds later. . .

"Did you know chunk got chicken pox 3 days before the movie was filmed?"


36 seconds later. . .

"The guy who played mikey was actually allowed to keep the map. Cool right?"

"Sure, I can't really hear though."

1 minute later. . .

"Surprisingly, Andy was-"

"I need to use the bathroom!" I interrupted quickly. I couldn't handle it anymore. "It's to the left, right?"

"Yeah, do you want me to go with you?"

"Oh no!" I blurted holding out my hands like a traffic director. She gave me a weird look and I dropped my arms to my sides. "I mean, I think I'm okay by myself."

She nodded her eyebrows still furrowed in skepticism. "If you say so." she shrugged before reaching across Carson's lap to grab a handful of popcorn.

Carson smiled shyly at me. "Don't be gone for long. The part with the Fertellis and Chunk is soon and its the best part."

I nodded numbly and turned to weave my way through the crowds of whining children, beach chairs, and ice chests full of food.

I took a deep breath of relief as I finally reached the edge of the gathering. I planned on making a run back to the house but now I see what a stupid idea that was. I should have listened to my aunt and gone out. I could have mastered the fastest and easiest escape routes in the case that I needed to get out these kind of situations. I had no idea which way to turn so I stumbled in the dark with only the weak moonlight to guide my path.

"Hey are you lost?" A male voice sounded behind me.

I whirled around and smacked into a solid figure. I retracted, in utter shock from the first human contact I'd had in weeks.

He grabbed my elbows to steady me. "You're not from around here are you?"

I shook my head then mentally kicked myself via my stupidity. He can't see me that well, duh. "No I'm not and yes I have no freaking idea where the hell I'm going." I bit my tongue. Did I just tell a male stranger who found me alone in the dark that I was lost? Yes, yes I did. I'm a complete idiot.

"Here I'll help you find your house. Do you know what street you live on?"

"Uh nope. But I'm staying with my Aunt, Misty Gilbert."

"Oh," he laughed. "I know exactly where to go. Misty is next door to me. Funny how that worked out."

He finally let go of me and led me through the damp grainy sand.

"I hope you don't mind me asking but why are you wandering around in the dark alone." he put his hand in his pockets. . . or his pants. I couldn't tell but I hoped not.

"I could ask you the same." I said.

"Touche." he chuckled. "But a pretty girl like you could have been swooped up by a sex craved psychopath or an axe murderer."

Did he just call me pretty? Can he even see me? My breath caught in my throat but I answered in a cool confident voice. "And I have reason to believe you're not?"

"You got me, again. So what's your name?"

"Rosemary but just call me Rosie."

"Okay Rosie, wanna know a secret?"

"Sure?" That's an odd question.

"I saw you leave the movie and I really wanted to ask you something. I'm warning you its a weird question and you might want to judge but trust me it's just a simple guy to girl question."

"Okaaayy? Your starting to freak me out. You may not be a axe murderer but you sound an awful lot like a crazy stalker." Our arms brushed leaving a tingling on my skin making the arms on my neck stand on end.

"Well would you be open to a date? Bowling tomorrow night?" We were under the faint glow of the street lamp by our houses now and I could see him clearly. He had dark brown curly hair and tan skin with the most adorable set of dimples. I could see the tips of his ears were slightly pink from embarrassment. His hands were thankfully in his pockets not roaming elsewhere.

"Um I kinda. . . well I don't really. . . I just. . ."

"That's okay I get it."

"No, no wait," his face looked disappointed and I couldn't help it. "I'll go. . . on the date. I mean what harm is in one small date to the local. Bowling ally right?"

His smile returned. "Cool. I'll pick you up at 7:30?"

"Sounds like a plan."

What the hell have I gotten myself into?!

A/N: I know its a bit weird but you'll understand the situation in all do time. Also you're probably thinking "why the hell is she so stupid?" weeellll... She isn't necessarily stupid she just made a stupid choice.  Normal people are boring and when a character acts stupidly it's much more interesting.

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