Hippie Dippy Witch Doctors

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A/N: So today has been so hectic. You know those days? Anyhoo.... I'm really feelin' this chapter. I know I'm not like JK Rowling or William freakin' Shakespeare but despite my lack of expertise I can't help but do a little happy dance when I finish a chapter or when my characters develop and grow into beautiful awesome creations!

I felt incredibly awful about Friday night. Not only did I agree to a date with I guy who's name I forgot to ask, I also ditched Piper and Carson. They were nice enough to invite me and I blew it. I had a chance to make friends and live a semi-normal life and I totally threw it out the window. Piper still wasn't answering my texts and I had a rock of guilt in my stomach. I need to stop hiding and making excuses. I messed up and I needed to fix it.

A modest house on The other side of the lake was where I ended up 15 minutes after I asked many aunt for Pipers address. I took a deep breath and pressed my finger into the door bell. I heard a dog bark and a latch click. The door cracked open and I saw Carson standing there holding a giant Saint Bernard by the collar.

"Hey Rosie!" he grinned sheepishly.

"Hey Um I just dropped by to say I'm sorry bout last night. I kinda got held up."

"S'okay." he side swiped his curly blonde hair with his free hand.

There was a moment of awkward silence. "Well is Piper here?"

His smile faltered. "Uh yeah. . . come on in."

I stepped into the mud room and waited while Carson ascended the stairs. There was some muffled conversation and a slammed door. A few minutes later Piper trudged Down the stairs reluctantly.

"Hi." I offered weakly.

"What?" she crossed her arms. "Im kinda in the middle of-"

"My mom died!" I blurted.

She looked confused then shocked then back again. "Sorry, what did you say?" her tone was softer now.

"My mom died and I'm not a huge people person to begin with. I won't even hug my aunt Misty. I feel totally alone and I was afraid of your kindness. I'm sorry. . . so sorry. I was total bitch but just give me a chance."

She stared at me for a few seconds before wrapping me in a hug. I stiffened slightly at her touch but then relaxed and let my head fall into shoulder. "That sucks." she murmured.

We hugged for what felt like eternity yet when she let go it wasn't nearly long enough. She smiled genuinely and I sniffed back my tears. "Also I got a date with my neighbor. I don't know his name though."

"Nate." She said. "His name is Nate. It's a small town and I heard he was taking a new girl bowling. Figured it was you." She shrugged and rolled her eyes. "Just be sure not to disappear on him okay?" I smiled at her attempt to joke. Suddenly she turned serious and I was caught off guard by her wary eyes. "He's a bit on the popular side though and I would be careful. His crowd isn't the nicest when it comes to relationships. It's all fun and games for them."

"I'll be careful. It's just bowling. What is the worst that could happen in a dark, loud, partying atmosphere?"

Piper swatted me playfully. "I'm serious." she grinned. "I don't want to see you hurt."

"Thanks, I appreciate it."

"No problem." she tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "What are friends for?"


Piper's warning kept repeating itself. It was a relentless nagg that kept tugging at the back of my mind creating a wave of anxiety and nausea and kept me wondering what exactly she meant and what tonight's activities might have in store. I wasn't ready for anything more than a simple get together and although I didn't doubt that tonight would be anything other than a casual group hang I still couldn't stop the pit of anticipation from pooling in the bottom of my stomach. All this fretting was making me queasy and I found myself contemplating faking sickness just so I could have an excuse to skip out. I didn't want to hurt Nate's feelings but I was desperate to escape.

Just when I had convinced myself that tonight was not a good idea and staying home would be best, Nate's gorgeous brown eyes that reminded me of warm melty chocolate and his unbelievably kind smile as he stood under that flickering street lights flashed in my head making the knots of fear twisting around in my abdomen turn into waves of guilt. He had helped me find my way in a dark deserted beach and couldn't have been any more polite and chivalrous. He was kind even though he didn't know me. But most of all he didn't look at me with pity.

Nate didn't catch me because he knew I would break ... He caught me because he didn't want me to fall.

With a heavy sigh I knew what I had to do.


"So what kinda name is Rosemary?" Nate asked holding open the door to Vincent's Arcade and Bowling Alley   allowing a gush of cool a.c. to escape into this muggy Pennsylvania temperature. The glare of the  fluorescent lights and neon signs reflected in the windows creating a hazy feel.

"Well my grandma was a hippie. Did the whole woodstock thing and all. My mom was her flower child. That's what they called kids who came from or traveled with them." I tucked a strand of blonde hair behind my ear as he led me to the shoe rental counter. "My grandmother was born Mary Ray Ross but she went by Blossom and she named my mother Dawn Rain. They didn't really know any ones full name. Guess they were too high to remember or care."

"On life?" He smirked knowing very well knowing what I meant.

"That's one way to put it." I rolled my eyes but I had a small smile threatening to break free. We were standing at the counter now but there wasn't any employees and Nate didn't make a any move to tap the bell sitting by the register. He seemed to waiting for me to continue. I swallowed and toyed with the hem of my shirt. "So long story short my mom wanted to continue the tradition and she named me after my grandmother's given name, which was Mary so yeah...  Rosemary is my name."

"So is your mom like super spiritual and all like, 'save the trees' and 'fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity'. You know? With all that herbal tea shit and ginkgo root stuff?" He cracked a smile in jest.

"She's spiritual yes, and well um, she's an herbal healer as well. She doesn't believe in modern medicine. I'd always wanted to study herbology like her but lately I've been thinking otherwise."

"Oh so like the power of voodoo? Wow. That's so awesome, your mom's like a witch doctor!"

"Yeah I guess." My eyes drifted away from his face. I wasn't too keen on talking about my mom especially on an already awkward date with I guy I barely knew. I didn't want to come right out and say it though, the only reason Nate seemed remotely appealing as a friend was because he didn't know.

Nate simply nodded, getting my silent message that I was uncomfortable. "Well maybe I'll meet her some time, eh?"

I nodded feeling tears prick the back of my eyes. Suddenly the cheesy 50's music and abundant laughter was too loud, the fluorescent lights too bright, and the overwhelming smell of nacho cheese and butter popcorn too nauseating.  

Nate cleared his throat awkwardly just as a gangly teenage boy with severe acne came out from the back room.

"Size?" He asked in a bored tone.

"An 11 for me." Nate said then turned to me expectantly.

He wants to know my shoe size?

Awww hell no...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2017 ⏰

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