New Beginnings

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   Just a friendly reminder that italics mean the inner thoughts of the person whose point of view it is!

( ^ 3 ^) Happy Reading My Lovlies


Hak P.O.V

The rain had cleared from the night before and the sun sat high above the horizon; it was afternoon. Each ray of sunshine shone brightly through the clearing, illuminating every nook and crevice. In the centre of the clearing, I sat beside Ik-su with an intense expression on my face. "Last night while practicing her swordsmanship Yona told me she still loves Lord – I mean King – Soo-won." I exclaimed with a distressed tone.

"You must ask yourself if you truly love the Princess in that way." Ik-su countered. A long silence followed as I let out a frustrated grunt and placed my head in my hands. "Or, is the Princess simply a duty you pursue because it is all you have ever known. Love is an intricate feeling of desire and passion. When you see Yona does your heart flutter and do you feel a warm sickness flow through your body. Do you protect her because her life means more to you than your own or do you protect her because you gave your oath to a predecessor? Is it only platonic because you have been a friend since childhood? Hak, you are no longer bound by any oath, you need to free yourself from this prison of duty you have created and make your own decisions. Your feelings are your own and you must pursue a life beyond the protection of the Princess. You must find your own happiness."

The bushes stir and Yun emerges coughing and out of breathe. "We have visitors." Ik-su and I follow Yun back to the small house we inhabit. A pang of terror travels throughout my body; the palace soldiers have come.

"Do not be alarmed Princess Yona and company, we have come on request of the King who personally invites you to attend his betrothal to the late (f/n) (l/n) of the Wind Clan." The soldier speaks in monotone. "We have arrived to gather your belongings and bring you to the castle with our party."

I never knew of a (f/n) (l/n) from the Wind Clan and I lived there my entire life.

"How did you find us?" Princess Yona speaks in an empty tone as she looks down at the ground. A single tear falls from her eye.

"The King has known of your whereabouts for a long time now, but has not seen you as a threat." The soldier adds.

"Will you let me speak with my comrades for a minute." Yun suggests. The soldiers return to their horses in the cover of the forest. "It is best if Yona and Hak accept the invitation, it will give us time to re-situate ourselves in a safer location." Everyone nods in agreement. I look over to Yona who is trembling slightly as she tries to force a smile. Even though it will be painful for her, she still wishes to protect us. Yona and I pack a few belongings for our short stay and head off with the party of soldiers.


We arrive a few hours before the procession is supposed to begin, but Yona and I are given special privileges so we wander through the once familiar castle. Yona doesn't speak the entire time as the all too familiar memories come flooding back to her. I try my best to take her mind off of it but to no avail. Soon after, we are asked to be seated in the courtyard of Hiryuu castle. The procession begins. The first to appear is the priest followed by King Soo-won. I feel Yona's entire body convulse at the sight of him. She wheezes under her breath and tightens her grip around the chair on which she is sitting. I can't imagine how hard it must be for her to see the person she loves in love with someone else. Then it hits me, shouldn't the same be true for me too. If I love Yona I should be just as upset that she chooses to pursue Soo-won. But... I'm not. If Yona were to get married tomorrow I would be just as happy as long as I still got to protect her. Ik-su was right. In my absent-mindedness the rest of the procession has reached the front and it comes time for the bride to make her march. She appears wearing a pure white yukata with gold embellishments around the edges. I would tell you that she is beautiful but a white veil covers her entire face so that not a single part can be seen.

Well that's boring. I huff a sigh of irritation and proceed to fall asleep. The ceremony ends and the petals of a Sakura tree are thrown into the air. But, the strange thing is, Soo-won and Lady (l/n) don't share a kiss. The newly-weds disappear behind the partition in order to prepare for the after-party. Now that the ceremony is over, Yona tugs on my shirt signalling that she is ready to leave. She doesn't make eye contact with me, but I can feel that her heart has been shattered. We attempt to mount our horses to meet up with the rest of our pathetic troop, but two attendants stop us and force us to attend the after-party. Little did we know, this could have been the biggest or best mistake we had made. 

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