Love Blooms

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Yona's P.O.V

I stand on the porch of the newly built Hiryuu castle and stare out over the horizon. The landscape is void of rubble. Plants flourish and overtake the scenery. It's been a year since that day, and everyone is working passionately to restore the Kouka capital. But, still, my heart hurts. I stare deep into the brush, hoping to see a familiar face. Suddenly, a voice sneaks up behind me. "He is alright, you shouldn't worry about him." Soo-won coaxes behind me and I freeze. I haven't spoken with him since the incident. "He's out there working hard to make he world (f/n) returns to beautiful." That's right. After Yun and Zeno managed to stabilize (f/n), Hak disappeared. I cringe at the permanent memory. He hasn't set foot in the castle since that day. He hasn't spoken to any of us either. Everyday he works his hardest to rebuild this kingdom. Now, it is a matter of waiting for (f/n) to wake up. Though there has been no change in her condition. I shake my head, trying to alleviate the doubt and anxiety. Everything can only get brighter from here. Soo-won places his hands on my shoulders and leans into me. A shiver is sent down my spine. I begin to panic and flail wildly. I escape his grasp and proceed to sprint down the hallway. My arm covers my teary eyes. I am stopped when Soo-won grabs my wrist from behind. He pleads. "Stop avoiding me Yona. I just want to speak with you like we used to. I want to explain everything to you so that you can understand, but you must stop running away from me." I cast my gaze downward. My heart fills with sorrow but I stop the tears that flow form my eyes. Without turning around, I speak.

"I do not avoid you because I hate you, I avoid you out of shame. I know my father had your father assassinated. Your father was next in line, so the throne is rightfully yours. (f/n) told me. I am too ashamed to face you because I was ignorant and naïve. I blamed you and thought my father innocent. I sought vengeance and revenge when I was too naïve to see the truth. I do not hate you Soo-won. The prosperity you have brought to Kouka is irreplaceable. You deserve to rule this kingdom." I spit the words out like venom. But, I am shocked at his response.

"We are both rightful heirs. We can rule together. I love you Yona." He whispers in my ear and wraps his arms around my body. I want to resist, but I can't. He lets me go and smiles softly at me.

"But what about (f/n)?" I question.

"She is like my sister. The marriage was only a ploy to keep her powers under surveillance so she didn't stop Mas Albadon's plan. Plus, I'm most certain that there is someone else in her eyes." He states proudly with a laugh at the end. I smile to show him how happy he has made me. "Speaking of which, I have to go administer (f/n)'s medicine. I will talk with you later." He squeals and runs off down the hallway to (f/n)'s room. I am happy. This is the Soo-won I know. His warm and gentle spirit is relieving to have back.

Your P.O.V

I stir slightly. The searing pain in my chest is absent. My breathing remains light and I am cautious. Slowly, my eyes flutter open. The first thing I see is a mysterious white blob. My vision adjusts and I sit myself up. I rub my eyes to remove the sleep from them. My body aches and I groan at the discomfort. I laugh to myself but then I freeze. I look down at my lap to see two pale objects. My hands. Wait. I can see them. I lift them up and inspect them carefully. In a frenzy of Joy I turn my head around the room to take in my colourful and exquisite surroundings. I stop my fit of excitement when I notice someone standing at the door. Soo-won. I am unsure of whether I should be joy or fear. He remains unmoving, then a cheeky smile spreads across his face. This is the first genuine smile he has made in a long time. I can feel in my heart that this is the real Soo-won and I dash towards him. I hug him tightly and it takes a minute before he snaps out of his trance and returns my embrace. "You're awake." He stutters with amazement, but I ignore his confusion.

"Soo-won, I can see! Your blonde hair, your blue eyes! I can see them! I've gained my sight back!." I shriek with jubilance. That's when the thought crosses my overwhelmed brain. Hak. I have to find him. I have to tell him how I feel. I look sternly into Soo-won's eyes. My complexion radiates determination. "Where is Hak?" I demand. Soo-won rubs his head, unsure of what to say. My heart sinks in my chest.

"Well, you see, Hak has been missing for a while now..." Soo-won mumbles. My eyes widen.

"Awhile?" I question.

"You've been asleep for almost a year now and after that day Hak disappeared. He hasn't come to speak with any of us. Not even Yona or the dragon warriors have spoken with him. But, I assure you he is in the city. He has been helping to restore the capital after your attack leveled it." He laughs with slight awkwardness in his voice. That is all the information I need. I push Soo-won out of the way and sprint down the hall. He calls out after me but I ignore him. As I run, I pass by Yona, but she simply smiles and nods. She knows where I am head. I can't help but notice the fiery crimson hair that cascades down her face. She is captivatingly beautiful. I continue to run, away from the palace and into the village. People work diligently to rebuild buildings. I run down every street, searching for him. I pass by a few seemingly familiar faces who call out after me.

"It's (f/n)."

"She's awake."

"(f/n)'s back!"


But, I pay no attention to them. I come to the edge of the city. I stand hunched over, panting and out of breath. I couldn't find him. Where is he? I saunter into the brush and take in my surroundings. Trees of bright green tower above me, looming with intimidating beauty. Flowers enclose the path. White orchids, violet dusted lavender, even golden marigolds. The whole forest comes alive around me and colour fills my once dull world. I can see. I squeal with giddy. I begin to spin and twirl with rejoice. I dance like a spring geisha in full bloom. I laugh and sing as I dance. I am halted in my celebration as I stumble into a clearing. Standing in front of me is Hak. He remains unmoving, his certainty wanes. The shocked expression on his face tells me he thinks it is all a hallucination.

"I'm real." I whisper shyly. He drops the flower he's holding and begins to walk towards me. He stops when I begin to speak again. "Your hair is as black as the fur of the mighty panther. Your eyes are as blue as the vast and open ocean. I can see you now. You're so... handsome." I stutter and look away. A heavy red blush falls on my cheeks. He runs towards me and I look up at the last second. My eyes widen and my pupil's dilate. He grabs me by my shoulders and presses his lips into mine. His velvety soft lips caress my mouth in a gentle dance. I feel my heart race and my blood boils inside of me. My body tingles as a sensation of joy erupts in my veins. He moves his lips to reposition. His bottom lip brushes gently against mine, tickling my electrified skin. I close my eyes and kiss back passionately. He removes his lips cautiously and then leans in towards my ear. His lips brush against my lobe and a shiver is sent down my spine. Softly, he whispers.

"I love you." He tightens his grip around me and pulls me into his shield of warmth. I sink into the pleasure and smother him back.

"No fair. I wanted to say it first. I love you Hak." I half taunt, half cry. I feel my shoulder dampen from the tears of joy that spill out of his eyes.

"You idiot. You are never allowed to leave my side again." He laughs in between sobs. We gently kneel in the soft blanket of grass covering the clearing. He holds me in his arms and we remain unmoving. Silence fills the air. We take in every second of rejoice with appreciation and gratitude.

"Now that I've gained my sight, you will have to keep your promise." I can feel him smirk against my shoulder. "Now we can watch the stars together."

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