The Final Battle

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Hak's P.O.V

"(f/n)." I whisper with doubt. A hand grasps my shoulder.

"We fixed her up pretty good." Yun smiles. "Zeno healed her minor flesh wounds and I'm the medic with all the medicine." He gives me a thumbs up and I hug him tightly out of gratitude.

"You have damaged the structure of our prosperous kingdom Mas Albadon. Now you will face the consequences, let judgment rain down on you. Let Soo-won go!" She screams as she leaps from her position on top of the gate. She points her sword toward Soo-won and it erupts in a blinding white light. This is the power of the Angel of Judgment. She lunges towards the shadow soldiers, striking them with full force. She cuts right through them, sending them into a burst of dust. She continues to strike blows, eliminating the demon army from existence. Finally, she makes her way over to us and leads us behind one of the buildings. She speaks with urgency.

Your P.O.V

"Yun and Zeno evacuate the city of citizens and soldiers. Jae-ha, take Yona to a high vantage point then join up with the rest of the group. Yona when you see the signal I need you to take the shot and hit Soo-won on his upper right shoulder." I state with confidence, my eyes focused on the chaos. I grab an arrow from Yona's back and use the blade to slice my forearm. I saturate the arrow with my blood and the arrow begins to glow a radiant gold. She looks at me with uncertainty. "It won't kill him, I promise. It will separate the demon from his body. The rest of you, continue to hold off the shadow demons. When you see the signal, head for cover. You will know the signal when you see it." I conclude and begin to walk away. Hak grabs me by the arm and pulls me back.

"You're alive, even after we watched get torn apart, and you want to run back into battle." Hak exasperates, his voice full of concern.

"There is no time. Everything will be over soon. Trust me." I plead with a stern expression. He lets go of me and I rush back onto the battlefield. The others follow closely behind me. They begin to strike down the demon warriors, while the other soldiers vacate the square. I need to clear a path to Soo-won. I plant my foot deep into the dirt and leap forward. The ground crumbles and cracks beneath my feet. I turn several demons to dust as I close the distance between Soo-won and I. I finally reach him. I leap into the air, shattering the ground beneath me. I lunge towards him and strike him with my fiery sword. He blocks, but the pressure is so immense that it sends him crashing into a surrounding building. I land on the ground and wait for him to crawl out of the concrete hole he is buried in. He sprints towards me like an animalistic beast. His eyes flare with vengeance and power. I block his sword; my arms shake at his immense strength. We stand there, pushing against each other, unmoving. I flip over him and strike at him from the back. He counters my attack with a kick from his leg. We bound into the air and begin to dance in a flurry of metal. We exchange devastating blows. I dodge right and thrust my sword at his back. He blocks. He slashes at my ankles and I leap backwards. We turn into a cloud, our movements too fast to see. We land a few meters away from each other and take a minute to collect ourselves. I hunch over, panting heavily, but he remains un-phased. His efforts are tireless. He flashes me a cunning grin. There is no way I will beat him head to head. I need to close the proximity and get inside of his reach. I muster what strength remains in my body and sprint towards him. I dodge right as he brings his sword down over top of me. I somersault, avoiding his second blow towards my ankles. I kick at the dust covering the ground, our surroundings erupting in a cloud of smoke. For this attack, I will rely on my spatial sense. I slide under his legs, so that I am behind him. This is my opportunity, he is distracted and blind. I create torque in my elbow, bringing my sword far from the side of my body. Then, I thrust it forward until I feel my chest hit his. Shit. Everyone's attention turns toward us as the dust begins to clear. I feel a throbbing sensation in the middle of my chest. My brow furrows at the pain that sears through my body. I wince and look up towards Soo-won. He stares down at me sinisterly. I hear the others gasp. They remain frozen, afraid to move due to the katana plunged into my chest. I snicker and Soo-won shoots me a confused look. "Now!" I scream like a lion's roar. Yona hesitates at first, out of her shocked state, but she eventually regains her valor and makes the shot. The arrow pierces Soo-won's shoulder, sending him tumbling backwards due to the velocity. The wound erupts in a holy light that emanates in every direction. Like a vortex, the black mass is sucked from his body and out into the open. I push Soo-won away from me, his sword sliding from my chest with ease. The crimson juice drips from my body, but I ignore it. There is more at stake. I press my foot against Soo-won's chest to propel myself upward. I close my distance with the demon and throw my sword into the air. It spins once and lands pointed downward in my hands. I look the demon in the eye, my expression demonic itself, and plunge my sword into the demon's heart.

Hak's P.O.V

(f/n) strikes the demon with her final blow. Jae-ha pulls me behind a block of concrete in order to shield us from the blast. Everything around us erupts into a flash of radiant gold light. Once the light subsides, Jae-ha and I emerge from beneath the concrete. The whole city has been flattened to rubble. The vast space around us reveals the retreating soldiers as they stand at the edge of the brush. Their faces contort with terror and amazement. Suddenly, a loud crash is heard. I turn towards the noise and see (f/n) collide with the ground. Her sword flies from her hands and clatters across the ground. Her body rolls and tumbles to a stop. A pool of blood encloses her and I rush to her side.

I pick her up and grasp her tightly in my arms. Her body is cold and limp. She flashes me a slight and gentle smile. I can tell it is taking all her effort to make that one painful gesture. I cannot speak, my expression is emotionless. The others have gathered around with weary looks. She reaches her hand up to my cheek and touches it lightly. She tries to say something, but her eyes flutter and the life is drained from her body. I grab her hand with all the force left in my body. "No. Please stay with me. You're going to be alright. Please don't go. Please." I plead, but when I let go of her hand it drops to her side. She is gone. I begin to sob hysterically. I grab her lifeless body and pull it into my chest, smothering her. I cry in violent fits. Never have I cried so much in my life. I have never felt so much pain. "Don't die. This can't be happening. This isn't real. No! Don't do this! You can't leave! I won't let you! Come back to me! Don't die! Please!" I choke out between sobs. "I haven't told you how I feel, so please come back! I love you (f/n)!" I scream at her, but still, she doesn't move. I go silent. Suddenly, Jae-ha yanks me away from (f/n) and holds me back. I begin to struggle and scream in tears. Yona jumps on top of me and hugs me tightly. She tries to calm me down. When I am brought out of my hysteria, I realize Yun and Zeno work furiously to stabilize (f/n) and bring her back. I can only sit and wait in terror and anticipation. I look around and see everyone is in tears. (f/n) can't leave us behind, there is too much to leave behind. She has a family now. 

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