The Greatest Sacrifice

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Your P.O.V

Once I arrive back at Hiryuu castle, I am directed towards my bedchamber. I am told by the attendants to remain stationary until King Soo-won has been alerted of my return. I prepare myself to put on a farce of innocence and desperation. Shortly after, Soo-won emerges through the chamber doors. I leap from my seat on the luxurious bed and bound towards him. I tackle him in a flurry of cries. "Oh Soo-won I am so glad that you saved me, they did all kinds of horrible things to torture me. I thought I would never be able to see you again." I coo into his ear. The feigned sweetness of my words is inexplicably sickening. He replies back in a congruently sappy tone.

"Do not worry my dear, you are safe now. Come. Let us get you dressed in attire that is more befitting of a Queen. We must look our best for our appearance this afternoon." He grabs me by the wrist and leads me towards my dressing room. He signals the female attendants to leave. This is out of a desire to do the changing himself. First he removes my soiled robe and retrieves an exquisite silk yukata from the wardrobe. The gold accents sparkle off of the soft (f/c) fabric. Once the yukata is tied properly, he moves onto the bandage that covers my eyes. "Now, keep your eyes closed and do not open them." He hisses. Ever since I met him, he has insisted that I never see his past. I imagine it is due to the terrible crimes he has committed. He removes my eye covering and picks up a silk one to match my gaudy robes. Unfortunately, I let my curiosity get the best of me and open my eyes a touch. His hand brushes along the side of my face and images flash before my eyes. I gasp in terror at the events that unfold. I choke at the tragedy and bloodshed. When I am brought back to reality, Soo-won sits unmoving in front of me. I can feel a ferocious fire burn inside of him. He raises his hand. Crack! He thrusts the backside of his hand across my face. My neck snaps to the side from the sheer force. "You imprudent women. How dare you disobey me? Do you wish to be punished?"" He screams at me and I tremble with fear. My whole body shakes. I must quell his anger somehow, before he becomes suspicious of my intent.

"I am so sorry darling. I felt the urge to sneeze and my eye accidently forced itself open. Do not fear, I only saw your brave and courageous efforts to find me. My heart brims with affection." I lie. His expression softens and he hugs me tightly. His tone is apologetic and frantic to gain my forgiveness.

"No! I am the one who should be sorry. I acted out so violently against you, I don't know what came over me. Please forgive me." He pleads and I shoot him a reassuring smile. "Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go make preparations for the event that is taking place this afternoon. I will come retrieve you in about an hour." He stands and leaves the room. Once he is out of sight, I clutch my cheek in agony. I walk briskly to the mirror to observe my injuries. A light purple tinges my cheek. This is not the Soo-won I know and cherish, and now I have all the evidence I need. I approach the door to the chamber and look both directions to check for danger. After observing that the coast is clear, I run down the hall towards my study. I enter and sit down at my desk to locate a piece of paper and a pen. I begin to write a letter.

Dear Everyone,

I was able to gain all the evidence that I needed through observing Soo-won's past. It seems as though he has been possessed by the Black Dragon Warrior. He has been using Soo-won's body as a vessel in order to carry out his destructive schemes. He enters and leaves Soo-won's body as he pleases so it is hard to tell when the best time to attack will be. But, I have a plan. When we are able to meet again I will explain it thoroughly. But, for now, use Soo-won's battle plans to minimize the damage of this grueling war. Oh, and Yona, there is something I must tell you. The reason why Soo-won murdered your father was out of revenge. It was known that Soo-won's father, Yu-hon, would be next elected to the throne. In an attempt to maintain his power, your father King Ill had him assassinated. Your father did not die an innocent man. Though, what Soo-won has done is unforgivable, he too has suffered a traumatic past and I cannot fault him for that. He was also able to bring Kouka back to stability by mending the internal structure of this country. Soo-won is not a bad man so please do not hate him any longer. We must save him together so that this country can prosper under his wise leadership. I am counting on you.

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