Bathing in Moonlight

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Hak's P.O.V

Quickly and without hesitation, I grab (f/n) and throw her over my shoulder. Yona approaches from the base of the gorge with a pale face. Her eyes scream with concern and worry. She tugs on my sleeve, pleading me to let her see (f/n). I shake my head to return my response. She grits her teeth but remains quiet. She knows we must act now in order to save (f/n)'s life. We run deep into the forest, where we will be less vulnerable incase the troop decides to counter-attack. Yun finds a spot behind a tall brush and begins to lie out his medicinal belongings. He pulls out a small vile containing a light gold liquid. "This medicine will slow the effects of the poison until I can create the proper antidote to counteract it." Yun hisses and pushes the vile towards me. Kija rolls out a blanket in order to make (f/n) more comfortable. I gently lay her down and hurriedly pull out the cork, but my unsteady hands cause it to tumble to the ground. I grit my teeth and grunt under my breath. I kneel down beside (f/n) and when I look at her I feel my breath catch. I purse my lips together. Please be alright. I slowly tilt the vile into (f/n)'s slightly parted lips. Once the entirety of the mixture is gone we sit and wait.

Your P.O.V

I feel my chest set ablaze and I try to clutch it, but I am unable to move. I begin to cough and spit at the venom burning in my throat. Suddenly, my eyes shoot open and at first all I can feel is a bright light. The intensity nullifies and images emerge around me. The first person I feel is Hak. He kneels towering over me with desperation in his heart. He worried himself sick. As he sees the life come back to my still figure his face lights up with joy. He bends down and strangles me in his warm embrace. The sighs of relief and gratitude turn to giggles and chatter. "Looks like the mighty thunder beast was thwarted by the distress of his fair maiden." Kija taunts with an immature grin on his face. Immediately, a light pink dusts Hak's cheeks. Then, his brow furrows with irritation and he puts on a condescending smirk.

"I am only worried about losing a valuable ally, considering her ability to wield a sword." He jests and I know I should feel hurt, but I'm not. I know he doesn't mean it; he is just embarrassed. So, I burst into howling laughter. I wipe the tears from my eyes and smile at my comrades. No. My family. I feel happy for once.

"I hate to ruin this calm and comfortable moment." Yun pesters with agitation. "But, unfortunately I need you to gather some supplies for the antidote to give to (f/n) because she was just, you know, poisoned." The atmosphere shifts to seriousness and dread. Yun speaks again, but this time he commands. "Zeno, head south of the river and gather some heather from the wetland trees. Jae-ha head back to the East side of the gorge and scale the walls in search of an amethyst coloured flower. Kija head back in the direction of the village. The ground there is extremely fertile, so bring some soil back. Finally, Shin-ah, accompany Yona. Search the surrounding area for silver birch trees. Their bark is an extremely rare remedy. Go!" Everyone begins to head in separate directions. My mind is spiraling in a million different directions. This shouldn't be their priority.

"Wait!" I plead. "Have you all lost your wits? The enemy retreated and knows who you are. He will have returned to Hiryuu by nightfall and it is not hard to figure out who will accompany him for his return in the morning. King Soo-won. It isn't safe here. You must run as far from this location as possible." Before I can say more I am cut off by Jae-ha. Never have I seen his expression so grave.

"If we run, you die. You said it before. You're our family now and we WILL protect you. Stop pushing people away and pretending to be so strong on your own." He spits at me, but his words are true. I cannot fight back. I begin to cry and I shoot him a reassuring smile. With that, the others leave and head on their journey. Hak remains by my side. I am glad that he is here with me. His presence eases my nerves.

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