Chapter 2

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Dan's POV
Our hands touched and I felt my heart skip a beat. I didn't know what to do. "He's straight.... He's straight... I'm never going to live this down."
I washed my hands and threw away the soiled paper towel. I turned towards Phil, whose expression resembled someone who saw a ghost....or did something they shouldn't have.
After we cleaned up my mess, I ran into my room, shut the door, and threw myself into my bed. "I'm such a fool. I'm such a fool." Tears rolled down my cheeks until my pillow was soaked with sadness and embarrassment. I heard Phil's breath outside my door. "Dan? Are you okay?"
"Um yes. I'm okay." I wiped the tears from my face and grabbed my laptop, pretending I was just on Tumblr and not crying. He walked in and just stood there....looking at me. I felt hot. "Shit.. He wants to talk. He always stands and stares when he wants to talk."
"Did you need something?" I tried to act normal. He sat next to me on my bed and looked at what I was doing. Unfortunately, I failed to pretend I was scrolling through Tumblr since I was still on the log in screen.
"Aren't you going to log in? Or is that a ploy to get me to think you weren't just crying?"
I got quiet. "How could you tell?"
"Dan. I know you. I know when something's wrong." He pushed back my fringe, uncovering the burn across my forehead from my cooking fail. "How'd you manage to do this?"
"I'm not a good chef."
I laughed. He smiled at me, looking at my mouth as I laughed at myself. "Is he actually watching my lips or am I just wanting him to...? God damn it, Daniel. He's straight."
"Hm?" I snapped out of my thought.
"Did you hear me?"
"Um.. No, sorry. I was thinking about... Something."
"Do you want to go into town for take out?"
"God damn, yes." I laughed. I don't understand why I kept laughing. It was apparently my nervousness trying to make me comfortable in the situation.
We left the apartment and followed the pavement into town.
"Restaurant or should we buy something?" I asked.
"Whatever you prefer. I'd kinda like to teach you how to at least work a microwave." He scoffed, watching for my reaction.
"You turnip, I know how to work a microwave."
"You think 'microwave' is an onomatopoeia." He smiled at me. "His smile is so... Perfect."
"You'll never let that one go, will you?" I playfully pushed him. We arrived at a market and picked up some food to take back. Phil managed to drop almost everything he picked up, so I had to help him pick up stuff off the floor. We got to the check out and I whispered in Phil's ear, "What are we gonna make?"
"Something that you won't ruin and burn the building down by making." I blushed and hit him in the arm. "I couldn't resist. I had to see that smile again." He winked at me.

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