Chapter 20

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Wow no smut? This chapter is cute... No that girl is not me.
If she is reading this though, hi! You're kinda in my phanfic.
Dan's POV
We sat at a table behind a velvet rope. "I feel like a celebrity. I feel so special!" I giggled like a kid.
"You are special, Danny." He winked at me and held my leg under the table.
"First question?"
"The girl in the red shirt, blonde hair and the plumbob headband.... Cool headband.." Phil said.
The girl stepped forward to be seen better.
"Hi sweetie, what's your name?" I greeted her.
"Oh my gosh... Okay.. My name is Kitten. My question is for both of you, well I guess it's a two-parter." She shook with excitement. "Is Phan real? And if Phan is real, or is ever real, will you announce it in a video or live?"
Phil laughed and looked at me.
I covered the mic and whispered, "How are we getting past this?"
"Want me to navigate through that? Or do you want to just announce now?"
"I'll let Phil answer that." I spoke into the mic.
"Kitten, if Phan was real, you'll know, but I don't know how we'd announce something like that."
"We don't leave the apartment quite often." I jumped in. "Thank you. Next question?"
Phil looked at me and smiled. He knew what I was thinking: "Damn you're a genius..."
"The boy who... Is dressed like Dil. Wow that's amazing."
I laughed. "How on earth did you perfect that look?!"
"I had my sister help make the plumbob and my hair was already the right length. I just had to put on dark skinny jeans and iron on the design of Dil's shirt." He said happily.
"My question is for Dan. I'm sorry for getting really personal with this one... If you say you are straight, but your old MySpace account said you're bisexual in your bio, what are you trying to say?"
I shook in fear. Phil's hand tightened around my leg and I calmed down a little.
"You probably saw that bio from a post a fan made. My MySpace account was deleted long before you were old enough to use the Internet, silly. I know, when you saw that you were excited... You wanted it to mean something, but that was fan made."
Phil looked at me, covered the mic, and whispered, "They aren't going to stop asking Phan related questions, baby."
"I know. I know. But we're almost done today and we can get back to our hotel room and finish the night." I winked.
"We have time for one more question." Phil announced. "How about.... The small bean with the galaxy backpack?"
A cute little girl walked up.
"Aw, hi there. How old are you?" I said sweetly.
"I'm five. My question is for both of you. If you weren't famous, what would you be doing?" She ran back to her older sister who was standing near.
"She is precious. What's your sister's name?" I asked.
"Autumn Rose."
"That's beautiful. Now to answer her question.." Phil looked at me. "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Dan."
I felt my heart skip. "Hold in your urges, Daniel...."
"We met through a friend and I had been on YouTube before meeting him. He recognized my name and related it to the YouTube freak with long hair that he watched." He smiled. "I wouldn't be living in the apartment we live in together. I wouldn't be happy, really..."
"I would still be in law school." I said. "I would've died of boredom and sadness. Phil is the best friend I never had in the first eighteen years of my life. When we met, he gave me a hug before leaving and I decided to make YouTube videos." I laughed, thinking back.
"I still cringe at my old videos... But I watch my newer videos, the ones with Phil, and I smile."
By the point we both finished our answers, the fans were crying.
"I feel your pain, guys." I chuckled. "That got deep."
"Autumn Rose? Thank you for asking us a question."
"Do you mind if we take a picture with her?" Phil and I took Autumn and held her up by our heads so we could kiss her on the cheeks.
"Thank you so much. She'll always remember this." Her sister gave us hugs and the show ended.
Phil and I went back to the hotel, exhausted from the excitement, but we still tangled up together.
"Phil? Did you really mean all of that?"
"What you said at the Q&A."
"Dan..." He groped me. "What do you think?"
"I think.... This is going to be hard to keep a secret all summer." I moaned as his head went down my body.
"That's not the only thing that's hard." Phil cheekily winked.

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