Chapter 12

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Dan's POV
We arrived at the Lester gathering and Phil's cousins were running gleefully around the park. I was still holding Phil's hand and he noticed something.
"My dad's not here." I saw his smile fade.
I kissed him on the cheek. "He'll come around, baby."
Turns out, Phil's family already assumed he was gay, so no one was surprised when we walked in, hand in hand. We sat together with Phil's younger cousins and one of them asked me, "Do you love Philly?"
"I do love Phil. Do you know what that means?" I smiled at Phil.
"He's your boyfriend?" She giggled and gave me a hug after I nodded.
The crowd was loud and rambunctious, until everyone went quiet. Phil's dad arrived and started yelling at his mum.
"How could you accept this? Phil is GAY! He's a disgrace!" He yelled.
"HE'S YOUR SON!" She screamed back.
Phil and I looked over at the two, having at it, until Phil got up. "I have to stop this."
"Baby, don't get hurt..." He kissed me and ran towards his mum.
"Dad, I'm in love with Dan. You're going to have to get over it. Our family loves him. He's a part of the family. They accept him. You're the only one who doesn't." Phil got between his fighting parents. His dad stormed off towards his car and left. I ran up to Phil and hugged him.
"I'm proud of you, love." I held him.
"He's not going to stop my love for you.... No matter how much disapproval he can give us."
His mum hugged us both and said, "Shall we stay? Or do you want to leave?"
I looked at Phil. "It's your call."
"Let's go home, love." He whispered.
"Go say goodbye to your cousins, dear." She told him.
"I have to tell everyone.... Before we leave." Phil said. He walked in front of the group and yelled, "Everyone? Can I have your attention?" His family became quiet and looked at my boyfriend who was ready to come out.
"You probably already know this since the majority of you assumed so... I'm gay. I'm gay and I'm dating Dan."
"I love you Phil." I kissed him and his family clapped. "They love you, too."
We went and gave Phil's cousin hugs and kisses before leaving.
Phil's POV
"I came out.. To my whole family. Everything was going to be okay. My dad will see that."
We got in the car and decided to get takeout and bring it back to the apartment.
"Stay and eat with us, Mum." Phil invited her.
"I have to decline. I have to get to the store and clean my house. I'm busy today, dear." She kissed him on the head.
"I love you Phil! I'll talk to your father tonight. Just... If he isn't as accepting as I am, don't let him break you two up."
Dan reached over and placed his hand on my thigh. "No worries, Mrs Lester. It was great seeing you."
She hugged us both, grabbed her coat, and left. We finished eating and realized it was getting late.
"10p.m. already?" Dan laughed. "Oops?" He smiled and led me to the bedroom where we dozed off in each other's arms.

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