sadly not a real chapter

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i wanted to make this part to tell you guys about something im taking part in !!

this is also for letting any armys who read this and would like to take part

theres a project on instagram for namjoon called 'unravel you' for his 23rd birthday and basically you can write or draw anything (that falls under a subtheme provided) and it will be featured in a book which will be posted online and if im not wrong it may be given in a physical copy to namjoon (idk) though there is no guarantee he will read it (this was stated by the organizer of the project unless i am wrong and i saw it on another post promoting the project)

its a really cute idea and theres a lot of subthemes that revolve around certain things, like depression, anxiety, lovesickness (is that a word), youth, etc. if im not wrong

all the information is on @heiclaudcloud on instagram and you might have to scroll down a bit to see all subthemes

there are a lot of submissions already and some fanart ones have been posted and they are beautiful

some stuff that goes w your writing submissions are to try to make it under 500 words and to not mention anything about bts or namjoon (i dont know if there are any restrictions w fanart)

it will be sold to fans who want to buy a package (there are four i think) but it will also be up on the web for free

if you would like to submit anything the deadline is 30 june !!

i have submitted my entry and im pretty proud of it so i wanted to post it for you guys to see before it gets put in the book, if it gets put in

[lovesick subtheme]


i guess that's the closest thing that comes to describing someone of that magnitude of beauty. you know that feeling when someone is just about everything you've ever imagined, everything you've ever dreamed of? this is that someone who manages to take your breath away with just one glimpse. that someone who always brightens your mood without fail, no matter what they do. whether they're just talking, or smiling, or laughing, all the pain of that day vanishes solely because of them. this is that someone where you can see over all their flaws or things they hate about themselves, because they are your definition of perfection.

that's how i feel sometimes, about you. whoever is reading this. your smile could capture the attention of someone miles away. your laugh sounds like angels singing - as cheesy and corny as that sounds, because it's true. your voice is melodious yet powerful, drawing everyone's attention to what you have to say on whatever topic. your blemishes and scars are what makes you, you; brushstrokes on a canvas which seems to only enhance the masterpiece that is you. you are beautiful. you are special. you are perfection. you are, simply for lack of a better word,


hopefully this gets put in, and hopefully you guys who would like to enter will !!

i was not asked to do this personally, i just wanted to promote the project to get more people to hopefully participate in it bc this is a really cute and sweet project for namjoon and he really deserves this

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