twenty six

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it'd been two months since soonyoung blocked jihoon.

well, to be more precise, it's been a month, three weeks, and six days. if you want to be exact. but who's counting anyways, huh?

oh yeah, jihoon was.

he was in his room majority of the time when the group didn't have anything to prepare for. the other times he went on walks that none of the members were allowed to go on with him except seungcheol or to the nearby cafe.

this time he was shocked to find himself outside their dance studio.

he pulled open the door and looked around to find the room vacant, the light still on probably from a cleaner who forgot to turn it off. he walked in and closed the door before sitting down in the middle of the floor.

he took this time that he was alone and put it to use. getting up off the floor, he walked over to the desk that the computer rested on before sitting down and quickly opened a browser. he typed in a website and once it pulled up he typed a song in the search bar. it was one of the songs he played the most at this time, and an english song he could sing without flaw from hearing it so many times.

even if it wasn't one of his or the group's songs, he needed the vocal practice and this was a good time.

he made it well through the first verse and chorus other than his voice cracking slightly, but he paid that no mind.

"i'm a fly that's trapped in a web, but i'm thinking that, my spider's dead," he sang along to the track, voice increasing with volume now as he stood up.

"lonely, lonely little life. i could kid myself in thinking that i'm fine." his voice cracked again, more noticible this time before clearing his throat, which felt constricted.

"it was always you, falling for me. now there's always time, calling for me." he blinked and felt something wet drip down his cheeks. "i'm the light, blinking at the end of the road, blink back to let me know."

he leaned against one of the mirrors that was bolted to the wall and tried to wipe his face, closing his eyes. he still continued singing.

"that i'm skin and bone, just a king and a rusty throne. the castle's under siege but the sign outside says, 'leave me alone'."

he was too caught up in the song to realize soonyoung had walked in. the boy shut off the music and looked at the smaller boy, who still had his eyes closed and hands rubbing at his cheeks.

"jihoon?" soonyoung asked softly.

jihoon moved his hands and opened his eyes slightly to see him with a bag hung on one shoulder and a sports bottle in his hand. his eyes widened as he quickly walked towards the door, but soonyoung grabbed onto his wrist, not letting him leave out.

jihoon froze in his spot, body tilted and leaning because the boy caught his arm mid-stride. "let me go."


"i said let me go!" jihoon yelled, tearing his wrist from soonyoung's grip and storming out the door, slamming it in the process.

soonyoung stood alone in the room, like jihoon was earlier. he looked down before sitting down and pulling his knees to his chest.

"i'm sorry."



i might do a sequel soon hopefully let me know if you want one

but yeah sorry if i let anyone down this had to end on a sad part in case i DO make a sequel but yeah it was nice making this book and i like how it turned out and thank you for reading voting and commenting and showing how much you liked this book i love you all

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