twenty five

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[ double update ]

just to clarify, soonyoung changed jihoons name in his phone but jihoon doesnt know so he still has him saved as 'prince'


new message from lee jihoon

lee jihoon
im sorry
i know it was bad for me not to show up
especially when i said i would be there
i can understand if youre pissed

which i am

lee jihoon
why didnt you at least text me or even talk to me at the dorm
why didnt you tell me why you were pissed
why didnt you tell me off
why did you just ignore me

you already know why im pissed and even if i did tell you off it wouldnt have changed anything

lee jihoon
all i did was not go to the practice room
its not like youre dying soonyoung

you SAID you would be there
i dont care how small it seemed to you
you promised
i had something important to tell you but
i guess it doesnt matter anymore
now does it

lee jihoon
no soonyoung dont


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