twenty two

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[ slight angst i guess i could call it that ]


minghao was walking down the halls, looking for jihoon. he almost knocked over mingyu with the force that he put forward. he kept walking to the living area before spotting the boy talking to jun and seokmin. minghao rushed over to him and grabbed him by the shoulders, pushing him against the wall.

"why, in the actual fuck, would you stand up soonyoung?" minghao said, trying his best not to yell.

"so? he's okay," jihoon said, rolling his eyes.

"he's been texting you all fucking night. he's even been waiting for you in the dance studio but you never showed! when i came in i saw him lying on the mats asleep with dried tears on his face."

jihoon's face fell at that, setting down the cup he held in his hand. "where is he? is he oka-"

"i thought you said he was okay," minghao said through gritted teeth, grip tightening on jihoon's shoulders. jun laid a hand on minghao's arm and the boy moved away from the touch. "don't touch me! i'm fine."

jihoon sighed when the hands firmly planted on his shoulders loosened slightly and he could move away from the wall a bit. he looked back up at the younger boy.

"and he's asleep in my bed. i'm sleeping on the couch tonight. i didn't know where his apartment was and i didn't want to barge in on hyejung this late at night to see if he could crash at her place." minghao let go of jihoon and started to walk back to the room to get clothes to change into. "just... don't fuck with him, jihoon. i don't want to see my friend hurt."


soonyoung woke up in minghao's bed and didn't really think that much of it. he just remembered falling asleep in the studio after crying for about fifteen minutes straight. someone must've brought him back to the dorms, probably minghao.

he got out the bunk to see that nobody else was in the room at that time. everyone was either in the living room or kitchen and soonyoung sighed at the fact that he was alone. he saw a stack of clothes and a set of towels on the dresser by the door and smiled, happy that someone remembered he was there before heading to the bathroom and taking a shower.

after getting freshened up (thank god the boys had multiple spare toothbrushes) and getting dressed in what were probably hansol's clothes, the boy made his way downstairs. he waved a good morning to the members that were sitting on the couches in the living area and watching tv. he walked into the kitchen and saw seungcheol rummaging through the refridgerator.

"good morning, cheol," soonyoung mumbled, hopping onto the bar seat that was set in front of the kitchen island and lowering his head.

"hey," seungcheol said, pulling out the carton of orange juice. "i heard about what happened last night."

"yeah," the boy said, "it's okay. i'm good."

"you sure?" seungcheol placed an hand on soonyoung's shoulder gently. he brought his other hand under the boy's chin and brought his head up, seeing his watery eyes and dried tear streaks and fresh ones down his cheeks.

"yeah." he wiped his face quickly.

"okay then. just let me or minghao know if you need anything." and with that he walked out the kitchen, barely weaving past a running chan.

"soonyoungie," chan said, almost running into the kitchen door before hopping to sit on the kitchen counter. "are you okay?"

soonyoung looked and smiled at the younger boy, glad that he was close with him, grateful for being able to treat him like a little brother. "yeah. i'm fine, cheol just talked to me and i feel a little better."

"that's good," he said, ruffling his hair and trying to make it stay out of his face.

"since we're in here, you want to make something for the rest of the dorm?" soonyoung said, getting off the stool and opening up the cabinets to look for something to cook.

"yeah. wait, you just woke up, didn't you?" chan asked, looking at the time displayed on the oven.

"yeah, why?"

"well," the younger boy laughed, hopping off the counter and walking over to soonyoung, "you might want to put the pancake and biscuit mix back. it's one-twenty six."

"oh," soonyoung said softly, before putting the packages back into the cabinets he got them from. "well, let's make something else."

a while later, the boys were laughing at something chan said as a pot of chicken boiled on the stove. they were cutting up vegetables to add to the pot before the kitchen door opened again and jihoon walked in. chan looked between the boys worriedly as jihoon realized that soonyoung was in the room.

"soonyoung, i-" jihoon started. soonyoung moved past him to rinse his hands off, catching the boy off guard.

"chan, can you let some of the water out the pot and add some chili paste to it?" soonyoung asked the boy, not paying any mind to jihoon. chan looked over at jihoon, who had a look on his face he couldn't decipher, before saying a quick "sure, hyung," and carrying the pot over to the sink.

soonyoung moved over to the spice cabinet and pulled out a few containers and bottles. jihoon walked behind him and poked him in the back, making the boy turn around with an annoyed look.

"what?" soonyoung said, placing a couple containers by the cutting board he was using.

"now you're just not gonna talk to me?"

"move, jihoon."

"fine, i'll just get out your way if you're gonna be like this," jihoon said, eyes narrowed before he began to head for the door. he was almost out the door before he heard soonyoung speak up.

"just returning the favor."

and with that, jihoon was out the kitchen with tears threatening to spill out, heading up to his room.




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