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if anyone would want to coown an ig acc dedicated to svt china line w me hmu

and this is probably about 4 months ?? 5 ?? after soonyoung found out it was jihoon and 2 after they actually physically met


jihoon drove over to soonyoung's apartment with the radio playing some song he couldn't be bothered to identify. the only reason he knew the address is because he drove the boy home the day they met, as a result of minghao and hyejung going somewhere in the latter's car, leaving the two boys to use the car that minghao and jihoon rode in.

he turned the engine off and stepped out the car before locking it. his fingers fiddled with the mask that was currently under his chin as he walked up the stairs that led to his space and tried pulling the fabric over his lower face. he finally succeeded when he got to the front step and knocked on the door softly. when he pulled back his arm, his shirt sleeve immediately went over his upper arm and he pulled it higher over his shoulder so he didn't look too small in his outfit.

a girl with short brown hair opened the door and looked jihoon up and down. she quickly shut the door and jihoon just stood there with wide eyes. not even two seconds later he heard her yell, "soonyoung! your boyfriend is out waiting for you!"

the short boy felt warmth spread to his face, and it didn't help much when soonyoung reply with a, "well, why didn't you let him in?" he played with his fingers as he could feel his face burning slightly pink at the fact that the boy didn't deny the 'boyfriend' part of the statement.

the door swung back open to reveal soonyoung, dressed in a large sweatshirt with some american team logo on it and a pair of jeans with a simple pair of adidas. "hey," he said, slightly leaning against the door frame.

jihoon suddenly felt smaller standing in front of the boy, regretting that he picked up one of seungcheol's shirts instead of his own. "hi."

"why do you have your mask pulled up? nobody here will really recognize you," soonyoung mumbled, leaning forward to pull the black fabric back below the boy's chin, ruining his hard work of getting it up there. jihoon slightly stiffened at the feeling of soonyoung's fingers on his cheeks, hoping he wouldn't feel how hot they were.

"i just had it pulled up early since we're going to the park. and the one i was going to bring you to is actually right next to your complex, so..." he trailed off.

"oh, yeah." soonyoung looked down and smiled softly before returning his gaze to jihoon's.

"are you guys gonna go soon? your cheesiness is making me lose my mind," a voice spoke up from where jihoon could only guess was the living room.

"shut up! we're leaving now," soonyoung yelled back at the girl and turned back to the boy. "let's go."

sooner or later, they were resting underneath one of the trees that wasn't infested with animal poop, and jihoon's head was resting on soonyoung's shoulder. they both looked up at the changing sky as the clouds shifted and the colors blended and alternated before jihoon spoke up.

"do you ever wonder what could be out there? like, how many other planets and systems and galaxies?" he asked, shifting his gaze to soonyoung. "what if there were actually other life forms out there?"

"when did you get all science-y?" the boy laughed before meeting the other's gaze. "it's cute."

jihoon could feel his cheeks warming up again as he continued to look at him.

soonyoung started to tilt his head in lower and jihoon tensed up, leaning back slightly. he quickly pointed to the sky. "look, i think i saw the first star of the night!"

soonyoung jolted back and looked up at the sky. it was just an excuse for jihoon since he thought it was too soon for a kiss, but to both of their surprise, there actually was a star, twinkling dimly.

"you never see them this early," jihoon breathed. he looked over at the boy. "make a wish with me."

he took soonyoung's hand in his own and closed his eyes, head still tilted up at the sky as he thought his wish.

i wish that everything would go well with me and soonyoung.

soonyoung looked at the boy and smiled, before repeating his actions and making his wish.

i wish i actually had a chance with jihoon.


sorry ab the delayed and shitty update, ive barely been on wattpad and when i have its just been to read so yeah

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