Chapter 16: Room buddies

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Nick’s POV

I can’t believe dad grounded me for a day in Kylie’s room. We don’t get along‚ we don’t talk with each other and clearly I don’t want anything to do with her. I should have been out with Billy if this fight has never happened. It has been an hour since dad left us here. He also brought our dinner after that then nothing comes next after that. I just sit silently on her couch then she is on her bed with a book that I don’t know what it is that she is reading.

(Nick) What are you reading?

(Kylie) Why do you care?

(Nick) I’m just bored and I got nothing to do.

(Kylie) Just so you know I’m also bored being in the same room as you. So do me a favor just shut the fuck up.

(Nick) This is all your fault.

(Kylie) How is it even my fault? You’re the one that started it. I will finish it. *close the book then throw it to Nick*

(Nick) *catch the book without hurting him* Nice throw sis. *sarcastic* You should join the football team sometimes.

(Kylie)  Very funny Nicholas.

(Nick) What is this book? You read this stuff?

(Kylie) *stands up to get the book to Nick* Give me that.

(Nick) No. You will throw it again at me.

(Kylie) Give me that. I’m not done with that book.

(Nick) You shouldn’t read this book. It’s about machines.

(Kylie) *grabs the book to Nick then went to go lay on her bed* It’s better if you will not talk.

(Nick) Do you think I want this? Being with you in the same room? I don’t and trust me the sorting of things between us will never happen.

(Kylie) Why would you think that I want that? I don’t want that either.

(Nick) Good to know. *lay beside Kylie on her bed*

(Kylie) I thought we are not into sorting things out? What are you doing? Stay on the couch. I don’t want to be near you.

(Nick) I don’t have a choice. I got nothing to do so I will sleep.

(Kylie) Ohh.. *pulls Nick’s pillow* That is my pillow and you can’t have this bed. This is mine.

(Nick) I don’t fucking care. You can’t make me move. I’m sleeping here on bed beside you.

(Kylie) Hell NO! You are not. You can have the couch or even the floor but not my bed.

(Nick) *pretend sleeping*

(Kylie) I swear to God if you do not move I will make a scene to make dad come in here.

(Nick) And??

(Kylie) I will cry out loud and tell him you hurt be bigtime.

(Nick) You can’t do that.

(Kylie) I will tell him you did this. *roll up her sleeve and points into her forming scar*

(Nick) Whoa. *very concern voice* What happen to that? Is there someone who hurt you?

(Kylie) It’s nothing.

(Nick) Fine I’ll sleep in the floor if you tell what happen to that.

(Kylie) I told you it’s nothing. Now you can sleep on the floor.

(Nick) I’m not buying that “It’s nothing” answer..

(Kylie) Ughhh.. Why do you care? You made it very clear that you don’t want anything to do with me.

(Nick) Like it or not I’m still your brother. I may not like you but I deserve to know what happen to that forming bruise in your arm.

(Kylie) okay I will tell you but transfer to the floor.

(Nick) Fine! Do you have extra blanket?

(Kylie) It’s on my closet to the left. Just get whatever you need.

(Nick) *goes to the closet to get what he needs* Got it thanks. So the story?

(Kylie) You really wanted to know?

(Nick) Offcourse.

(Kylie) It happened earlier. I bumped into Stephanie she then again threatened me to stay away from Stephen. She kinda put an extra force into gripping my arm. Then hola here it is. Like I told you it was nothing. I just so happened to bruised easily.

(Nick) It is not nothing. Why do you even hangout with Stephen? You got threatened by his obsess girlfriend and even try to hurt you.

(Kylie) I know. That is why I busted her lips. That bitch thinks that I can’t put a god damn fight.

(Nick) You did?

(Kylie) Yeah. Agatha knows about that. She is the only one who saw that fight because everyone is busy with clubs and organization tryouts and additions.

(Nick) Dad will kill you if he knows what you did.

(Kylie) Trust me he will know. Principal wanted to talk to dad Monday morning. So basically I’m so doomed.

(Nick) You really are.

(Kylie) I know.

(Nick) You didn’t answer my question earlier.

(Kylie) What was that?

(Nick) Why do you even hangout with Stephen?

(Kylie) You really wanted to know?

(Nick) Yes. Do you like him?

(Kylie) It is because he is the first ever friend I got. When all of my brothers leave me and don’t bother to help me with my first day at school he was there. When I got no table to sit in at lunch he was there. He is such a great friend. Unlike you. You all did nothing to help me get through that day. It was my first day. The environment was so much different than I used to live with.

(Nick) I’m sorry.

(Kylie) No. I totally understand you guys. I know that It will be hard for you guys to cope with the new living situation with me in the picture. The feeling is mutual.

(Nick) I don’t know what to say..

(Kylie) you don’t have to say anything. I just missed my old life. The old me. I wish this is just a dream. But it is not. This is reality. I can’t change it anymore. I got to lived with the changes.

(Nick) I’m really tired. I want to sleep. Can I turn off the lights?

(Kylie) No. I will read something. I’ll be the one to turn it off later.

(Nick) Okay. Lay on the floor.

(Kylie) Good night Nick.

(Nick) *without saying a word closes his eyes*


I'll update again tomorrow.. hopefully hahah I'm new to this but please show me some love and vote and comment . hahahaha 

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