Chapter 31: More of a fight

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Kylie’s POV

I wasn’t expecting that today will come this fast. The last word of my sister before I hopped into a plane back in New Jersey is ‘Sort things with them. They are now your family’... I keep thinking of that my whole flight. I don’t really want to sort thing out with my brothers. I just wanted to talk to Aunt Melissa to personally to apologize.

The last time I talked to Aunt Mel was last Wednesday. She called to check on me. I didn’t have the guts to say sorry over the phone. I wanted to do it personally to know that I’m sincere. She told me Nick had a fight with my friend Brandon and they both got suspended. I called Nick that night. We were practically yelling to each other. I was furious that he would fight my friend. Our conversation didn’t end well as expected. He hung up on me the moment I pissed him off.

 I am now at the taxi going to my house in New Jersey. I didn’t tell anyone that I will be home by 9:30. It is way too early for them to pick me up so I decided that I will just ride a cab. As the taxi driver turn to our street my heart begins to beat fast. I am nervous to seeing anyone of my family. Hell alone Nick. He is my least favorite person so far.

(Kylie) Uhhmm... That house *pointed to the driver* Stop by the driveway. *pays the car before she got out*

Nick’s POV

I was alone in the house after breakfast Dad went to see a friend‚ Joe has a plan with our cousin and Kevin is with Dani’s. They left pretty early though. I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere. Dad ground me right after he punished me for fighting at school. I heard a car stopping by our drive way. I looked at the window to see who it is. I was shock when I saw Kylie. She wasn’t supposed to be here this early. We all thought that she will be back before dinner not morning.

I don’t know how to face her. My f*cking pride is what stopping me from saying sorry to her. I know that I have said something mean to her but I don’t have the balls to apologize to her. I was sorry for the thing I said but I won’t say sorry to her face. I hurried myseld in the living room and make myself look busy. I grabbed a magazine and act as if I’m into reading it. Then right on cue she opened the front door.

(Kylie) Dad!! Dad???

(Nick) He is not here.

(Kylie) *didn’t notice Nick’s presence* Shit... You scared the hell out of me.

(Nick) Why are you here?

(Kylie) *give Nick the look* Last time I checked I still live here. Like it or not.

(Nick) Would you stop snapping at me? I mean why are you here early? They all left. We all thought you’ll be back before dinner.

(Kylie) Well I’m here now and I have some stuff to do.

(Nick) Stuff like what?

(Kylie) Stuff like MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!

(Nick) fine!

(Kylie) Wait you mean we are the only people in this house right now?

(Nick) Positive!

(Kylie) Ughhh * annoyed* Why would the leave us? Didn’t they know that we are an inch away from killing each other?

(Nick) first... like I said we are not expecting you till dinner... Second Oh honey they do know that already.

(Kylie) *crosses her arms* wow!!! I can’t believe you... You are not even sorry for what you said.

(Nick) Why would I?

(Kylie) you’re the biggest jerk. I hate you.

(Nick) I thought we already made that clear to each other???

(Kylie) Ughhh... I hate you... 

(Nick) Don’t worry the feeling is mutual

(Kylie) You’re impossible! *about to walk out of the front door*

(Nick) *stops Kylie* Whoa whoa.... Where do you think you’re going?

(Kylie) Out. Now get out of my way.

(Nick) Nope. You’re staying here.

(Kylie) You don’t have any right...*gets cut off by Nick*

(Nick) *smirk* Have you forgot already? You’re grounded.

(Kylie) I know but not until dad is here.

(Nick) I’m texting him right now that you’re already here.

(Kylie) Don’t send that text Nick. *tries to grab Nick’s phone*

(Nick) oh sorry. Sent!

(Kylie) you! I’m not even here for 10 minutes and you already made sure that you’re the least favorite person I wanted to interact with. *goes to the kitchen*

(Nick) *follows Kylie to the kitchen* hey are you hungry? I can cook for you.

(Kylie) If that is your way to say sorry then No!

(Nick) Who says I’m saying sorry. Very assumable Ky.

(Kylie) Your pride is way too high... It will be your downfall so watchout.

(Nick) Look it is not thing to apologize. I tried but you’re not answering your phone.

(Kylie) so that’s it? Your way to apologize? To call me 3 times and the third time I didn’t answer you gave up?

(Nick) I told you it is not my thing.

(Kylie) You could have tried harder. You’re the reason I don’t want to come back here. One word could have changed everything.

(Nick) what do you want me to say? That I’m sorry??? FINE! I’M SORRY!!! Happy now?

(Kylie) you’re indeed an ass.

(Nick) How am I being an ass here? I offered you that I will cook you breakfast. Then you don’t want to. I’m trying to reach out to you.

(Kylie) listen! What you said to me is way out of line. Way out of line. It is not my fault I happened. Our dad mistake I got nothing to do with it. So stop blaming me for everything. It is not my fault I fucking live and born. But I’m not gonna accept what you said to me.  Maybe you’re right. I’m not wanted here or I was never welcome... or I’m a freaking reminder of dad cheating on your mom. Just always remember this Nick. I was NOT my fault and it will NEVER WILL BE.

Nick’s POV

I was kinda taken aback once Kylie let it all out on me. After her speech I felt really bad about myself. She doesn’t deserve everything I said and yet I refuse to apologize to her. I know it is my pride that has built a very thick walls that hinders me to say sorry for all the things I said and did to her.

Ever since I was little my problem is how to show my true emotion to people. Deep down inside me I’m dying to hug Kylie and just apologize but instead I keep on pushing her buttons to its limits. I am still new to this having a brother-sister thing. I used t o having two older brothers and getting everything I wanted.  I’m afraid that if I show emotions to Kylie she would just end up leaving me like mom did. I know that right from the start she never wanted to stay with us and she is just staying here because of dad.

I felt a sting of pain in my heart as I looked at Kylie’s sadden face. She looked tired from our fight. I didn’t said anything to her after her speech. I feel my eyes are about to cry and it became blurred. Then I blackout. 


hey hahaha please do vote if your reading this. many thanks 

part 2 will be up tomorrow or the nxt day. 


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