❥ 𝟬𝟯 - 𝗛𝗲 𝗟𝗶𝗸𝗲𝘀...𝗠𝗲?!

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Shadow POV:
I saw Zane kiss Travis, right on the lips. "Awww that's so cute and sweet!" I said looking at them. Travis then hugged Zane and kissed him back. These two would make such a good couple! Then I saw Zane pick up Travis bridal style and walk out to somewhere. They gonna bang now or something?
                       Zanes POV:
I was carrying Travis bridal style over to the bleachers. I set him down on my lap. "Z-Zane what are we doing here?" Travis stuttered. It was pretty cute, he was also blushing so he was more cuter. I leaned towards his neck and started to kiss it, repeatedly. He was blushing, I could tell. He also gave little moans, but they got louder when I hit his sweet spot. Yes! Found it! Since I found it, it was time to abuse it. I started kissing it then licking it, biting it and sucking it. He was a moaning mess. He leaned his head on my arm, I hugged it. He started purring, he also had his tongue sticking out. Aww cute~
                     Travis POV:
I was starting to doze off, he felt, nice and warm, I could sleep forever in his arms.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sowwy for a short chapter but I'll have more coming 😋 gn

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